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It was past noon by the time the crew and the members reached the airport. They got out of the bus and waited around for the staff to unload all of their luggage.

"Junghoon-ssi, what are the seating arrangements for the crew? How are you going to accommodate Meera and Jae?" Taehyung pulled aside a crew member and started grilling him about the comfort of his soulmate. 

Yoongi hovered nearby to listen to what the crew member had to say. He was relieved when Junghoon reassured Taehyung about the safety and comfort of their soulmates and that their seats were in the first class with all the BTS members, fully paid for by Hybe.

Taehyung called Meera to talk to her as they were still in front of cameras and Meera and a few other crew members had already walked inside the airport to complete their own check-in process.

Unfortunately due to some issue with Seokjin's travel documents, he had to wait until the next flight. But fortunately for him, the travel times aligned in such a way that he could reach New Zealand just an hour after the members.

Jae could see how Jungkook shot longing looks at his hyung but proceeded to walk into the airport when Seokjin reassured them that he would see them soon in his own way, making them laugh.

It took almost an hour for the entire group to go through the security checkpoint and Jae was relieved when she was released quickly without much fuss. She went to the lounge area where the members were waiting to avoid being seen by the fans and sat beside Yoongi who immediately took her hand into his as a reflex. Jungkook yawned and shook his head to shake off his sleep like a dog shaking off water.

"You look like a puppy, Jungkook oppa." Meera teased him and Jae agreed, smiling at his shaggy and long hair.

"Ayy Meerie, you know nothing. ARMY likes to see me with long hair. Jae noona said it a couple of months ago and that's why I decided to start growing my hair, didn't you noona?"

Jae nodded, agreeing with the maknae and struggling to hide her smile at the offended look on his face. He was really a baby.

"See..." Jungkook jutted out his chin smugly at Meera who rolled her eyes but said nothing because even she knew it was true. ARMY was dying to see the members in long hair. Jungkook's hair was just unstyled and hence looked a bit shaggy. But if he styled it a bit, he was surely going to break the internet and send millions of ARMYs into panic.

Jungkook tried and failed to stop another yawn and Namjoon smiled at the poor sleepy maknae.

"You must be sleepy, we worked the entire night for that song." He said and Jungkook nodded. Jae looked at them wide-eyed, shocked to see them functioning even after staying awake for more than 36 hours.

"It's normal, we have to work that hard to manage things, especially during the comeback. You'll see how crazy it gets in a few days. We don't have time to even eat 3 meals a day." Yoongi told her when he felt her shock.

"Yeah, we'll get sleep on the flight. Don't worry, noona." Jungkook told her and Jae could only nod at him.

She held Yoongi tightly and shifted a bit closer to him to get more energy, knowing that they were barely going to get any chance to heal on the flight and had a full day ahead of them once they reached New Zealand.

She noticed Meera and Taehyung holding hands and chatting casually as if they weren't going to be separated for almost 18 hours of flight time and then for a whole day of travelling and members being on the camera. How were they going to manage to stay recharged for such a long period of time? Jae wondered as she calculated the hours until they would get to sleep together in a bed and recharge.

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