Hair-ties and beanies

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The next scheduled stop was a restaurant as everyone was really hungry. The breakfast on the flight had been really early in the morning and a few of them hadn't even woken up and missed the food.

Jae was experiencing for the first time how members switched behaviours on camera and off camera. It wasn't a huge change in personality, they mostly behaved like themselves, but there were subtle changes in their actions. 

They were goofy, playful, full of humor and lame jokes, making efforts to be cute and aegyo, running around like kids high on sugar while the cameras were aimed at them. They were a bit more serious and quieter behind the camera, still goofy and full of fun, but more like adults than teenagers.

The seven men ate a lot of food between themselves and while Jae had seen them eat as a group before on screen, it was satisfying to another level to watch them eat well in real. She almost choked on her own food when all of them made the sounds of a bell to call for the server rather than asking like normal humans.

They really were '7 normal boys' from Korea. Everyone said they were full after the first round of food, but dug in again when another round of dishes were ordered.

Yoongi tried his best not to be obvious and resisted glancing and frowning at the table occupied by the crew where Junghoon was sitting beside Jae. He knew he was being irriational and Junghoon was just being kind as he extended the same kindness to Meera and every other staff. But he couldn't help but feel irritated every time they made conversation or passed dishes to each other.

Most of the crew along with Jae and Meera were still eating as they had placed their orders after the members had settled down and started eating. So the members decided to check out a clothing store next to the restaurant.

"Jungkook-ssi, if possible, can you get gloves to wear during the filming? You see, the tattoos might need to be edited and it'll make our editing team's job easier if you... you know, hide them." The director asked and Jungkook readily agreed.

"No problem, director-nim. I'll get a couple of pairs in the store."

It was chaos in the store and members shopped like they had never seen a clothing store before.

"Hyung? Hyung, can you show me how to wear this properly?" Jimin came up to Yoongi, wearing a headband weirdly. It was too tight for him, squishing his face and his eyes. Hoseok laughed at the cartoonish face that was the result of it and Jimin ignored it as Yoongi adjusted his headband.

"I still look strange in this," Jimin commented as he checked out his reflection, "Like a pineapple." Even Yoongi couldn't hold back a chuckle as he glanced at his younger brother.

"You need to style your hair if it's short." He told Jimin and went away searching for a windbreaker.

A few minutes later, it was Jungkook who came seeking his Suga hyung to help him with a headband.

"You need to do something about your hair. Style it properly if you want to grow it longer." Yoongi told Jungkook as he adjusted the headband around maknae's forehead and styled his long hair. It looked good when Yoongi was done with it and Jungkook decided to buy the headband.

"Hyung, can you get this for me? This and the gloves. I forgot my wallet in my bag."

"Okay." Yoongi wordlessly took the headband and the gloves from maknae, secretly glad that he was doing something for his baby brother.

"I have extra headbands with me. I have five of them, you can use if you want." He offered and Jungkook stuttered at the generous offer.

"I... I don't want to get your headbands sweaty and dirty hyung. Maybe I'll wear yours as an accessory and I'll wear this one when we go hiking." He said, not wanting to be rude and outright reject his hyung's kindness.

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