Chapter 1 - Memories

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      Jooice was alone in his old home, glass was still all over the floor from when he died.
Remembering the love he had felt for the spaceman, he smiled...slightly.

"Hey Jooice!" Socks greeted from behind. "Oh...I see you're, uhm..."

"Yeah, I miss being alive." Jooice admitted.

"Who doesn't?" Socks chuckled. "Man, I would have never taken my life for granted if I knew this was gonna happen." Socks admitted. "Did you ever love or get in a relationship with someone?" Socks asked out of the blue.

"Uhm...yeah, but I knew they wouldn't love me back." Jooice said. "I knew they loved someone else, I saw the look in their eyes when they stared into their eye's. "

"Man, that's a shame." Socks commented. "Who is it?"

"Uhm..." Jooice stammered. "I don't wanna say..."

"That's alright!" Socks reassured. "But please tell me when your comfortable!"

"Of...of course!" Jooice stuttered.

I wish I could tell him, but he's with Tbh and Blaza. I wish I could tell him, my heart desires him.
   Jooice's heart swelled in pain, he could never be with Socks. Tbh and Blaza would make sure of that.

"Well, did you have a painful death?" Socks asked. "Or was quick?"

"Luckily, quick." Jooice said. "I assume you're death was long, and...painful."

"It unfortunately was." Socks said. "But at least I knew it wasn't Woolf doing it."

"What do you mean!?" Jooice spat. "He killed me in cold blood! We all would be alive if he didn't-"

"No!" Socks snapped. "He got betrayed by Laff, and Laff would work solo! He didn't even need Woolf! All he wanted was a partner so that he didn't get caught if he did."

"I must have missed that part..." Jooice admitted. "I still have hostility with him. But I won't be rude to him, he wasn't himself. He was driven to do that, but I still wonder..." Jooice pondered. "But what did he mean that 'that wasn't me'?"

"I...I don't know." Socks stammered. "But we'll have to ask Laff when were back on our actual feet!"

"Nice one!" Jooice chuckled. "I yearn to feel the wind again, and eat again."

"Hopefully we can be back soon." Socks hoped. "Muffin said that the crystals should grow back in a month and a half maybe? Not sure."

"Muffin knows." Jooice agreed. "I trust him! I have faith in him, he's our Guardian, he has to be right."

"It's hard on him." Dino interrupted.

    Dino flew in, and Jooice jumped.

"You scared me!" Jooice chuckled. "What do you mean? He's The Guardian!

     Dino lashed his tail, clearly not wanting to make their hopes fade.
Socks, wondering why Dino seemed troubled.

"I been trying to help out Muffin." Dino informed. "He's luckily spoken to other Guardians. But it's going to be a long process, but he's unlocking his powers very slowly!"

"At least he's make progress!" Socks cheered. "Jooice, I'm going to go see Blaza and Tbh. Alright?"

"Oh, alright." Jooice said.

   Socks started to hover, then walking in the air. His tentacle-looking arm was raised to wave goodbye to Jooice and Dino. Leaving the room to leave Dino and Jooice alone.

"Do you guys really think the Crystal Cave will save us?" Jooice asked, paranoid. "I just want to know if you did your research on it...I'm wanting nothing go wrong."

"I understand your paranoia, but I can reasure that we know what we're doing." Dino explained.

     Jooice nodded. Looking away, towards the spilled glass. His death was no shock, but it still hurt his heart.

"The past, is in the past." Dino began.
"It's over now, look. We're about to be alive once again! Look on the bright side!"

"It's hard too...." Jooice said, full of sorrow. "I can't forget the horrific events! I just can't! Why couldn't I be Muffin? So that I would have better understanding?!"

"It's okay, it toke me awhile to recover..." Dino admitted, drifting off. "But now, I still remember the past. I'm a lot more wise, I'm helping Muffin!"

    Jooice said nothing, he stared at the red hoodie on the floor, that was once his. A sound of glass shattering rang.
    But now he realized he was in the past, it wasn't day any more. It was mid-night. The party! He was back at the party, everyone was alive! But he wasn't, no one noticed him.

I have to be in the past!
Jooice realized. He started to race towards his house, walking through the wall there he saw it. Woolf.

"Stop!" Jooice called, knowing he couldn't do anything.

   Woolf looked in his direction, with a questioning look.
Does he see me? Wait, this is the past. What was here then...?
Jooice thought, he saw himself laying on his old bed.
        Woolf went though the open window,
Then his death 'bout to happen in front of his eyes. After him and Woolf talked, Jooice saw himself get a pan. His attack missed, Woolf got behind him....
        Jooice shut his eyes at the sound of shattering glass. He opened his eyes to see Dino in front of him, with a worried look.

"Your back!" Dino cheered.

"How do you know-?" Jooice began, but was cut off.

"You turned grey." Dino informed. "When a spirit turns grey, their in the past...literary."

"And in the future?"

"If I'm correct, they turn light brown? It's because Muffin is The Guardian." Dino informed.
"But let's say that Meme was The Guardian, the color would be blue.
We take the main color of The Guardian, because their showing us the future."

      Muffin entered the room,

"Dino, I need you." Muffin requested. "Right now, please!"

   Dino rushed to Muffins side, waving goodbye to Jooice. Waving back, Jooice went to see where Socks was.

   Tbh was talking to Socks, Blaza was grey, looking around, he seemed to be worried. Jooice rushed to Blaza.

"What's up?" Jooice asked.

"Oh, sorry." Blaza apologized. "I just...had a memory..."

"In the past?" Jooice assumed.

   Blaza nodded.

"Can't we catch a break?"

I know this chapter was basically them talking, but I think I explained some things.
Also I accidentally published this, so some of you might have gotten the old name chapter.

Happy Reading!

Vengeance | Sequel to Believer | A SockSMP AUWhere stories live. Discover now