Chapter 3 - Secret Past

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Have Woolf animation ⬆︎
ALSO there are some redesigns going on right now, so if you see something different later on.
It's just a redesign, alright?

After 5 days, Woolf and Laff have made secret meetings. If someone asked where Woolf was, he would he was at The Lake. Everyone believed him, but Dino. He made glares at him at every lie he made about where he was.

But Woolf still feels a loyalty to Laff, But it was obvious that Dino knew something was up.
But this time, there was gonna be a spy. He was going to track Woolf down, making sure he didn't get seen.

"Hey, Laff!" Woolf greeted. "Dino's getting more suspicious, and I'm afraid he's gonna find out."

"It's alright." Laff said, calmly. "It's not like this a affaire, like Tbh and Blaza."

"But if they find out, they'll stop trusting me!" Woolf wailed. "I don't want to be the outcast again..."

Laff did a tiny nod in his detection.
Then the spy flew into the room,

"Dino was right!" Oof exclaimed.


"How could you Woolfster?" Oof asked. "After everything we've been through!"

"It's not my fault I feel loyal to Laff!" Woolf protested. "After are partnering, I couldn't just leave him for everything!"

"So you still care for your murder!?"

Woolf dipped his head in shame, ears drooping. Laff stood in front of Oof, glaring at him.

"It's not his fault, we we're partnered for about a month and half."
Laff pointed out.
"I will corrupt your soul!"

Oof exclaimed.

"That's right!" Laff said.
"I will do it, you can ask Muffin on what that means! I know almost everything."

"Please go!" Woolf begged. "He isn't joking around! I don't want you to get hurt because of me! Go, go now!"

Oof hesitated, but then nodded and flew quickly away. Woolf looked at Laff, horrified.

"What does the corruption do?" Woolf nervously asked.

"Their soul turns red-violet, I and The Blood Moon can control them, "Laff explained. "They become very hostile. Oof's lucky I didn't have the chance!"

Woolf sighed, he luckily sent Oof away in time. But at the cost of his trust, now everyone will know that he hangs out with Laff.

"Now everyone is gonna know..." Woolfster realized.
"I think Muffin will force me to stop hanging with you."

Laff glaced at Woolf, letting him know he heard him. Their friendship seemed forbidden, but the dead partner still remembered the things they did.

"I guess I'll see you later." Laff assumed. "Hope to see ya soon."

Woolf waved goodbye, and left quickly. He needed to reach Muffin before Oof did, but he knew the chances on that happening was slim.

"Woolfster!" Muffin snapped. "You should know not to hang out with Laff! We can't trust you if you keep doing this!"

Woolf glared at Oof who snitched on him. Snarling, but Muffin gave a menacing glare.

"It's not my fault that we worked together!" Woolf protested.

"What is he? Your Mother?" Muffin spat. "Why are you so attached to him like he was with you since you were a pup?!"

Woolf blinked, his face was blank. He had no emotion on what Muffin said.

"Maybe, because...he did."

Oof gasped, his mouth open. Muffin even looked shocked as well, Woolf could see the horror across his face.

"Laff has a picture of me and him, when we were young. We met at a clearing, which is where Laff's farm is now."
Woolf began to explain.
"I can't forget that day, but his sister was nosey and snitched on us."
Woolf sighed.
"His parents forbidden us to meet at all, as Laff was shut inside. And we meet again, so please...let me hangout with my friend!"
Woolf begged.

Muffin looked at sympathetically, but nodded towards Oof.

"You have permission to hang out with, Laff." Muffin announced. "Under one condition, you must not let your friendship be more important then our plan."

"Yes, Muffin."

Muffin dismissed Woolf and Oof, Woolf raced back to Laff's house.
Laff looked up, with a surprised face as Woolf came flying in. Pouring the rest of his tea into his cup, he stopped at what he was doing.

"Woolfster!" Laff greeted. "So? What happened?"

"Muffin gave me permission to visit you." Woolf informed, holding his tongue as he knew he shouldn't tell Laff about the condition.

Laff clapped his hands, then went back to grab his tea cup. He sat down in his living room, eating cookies-, biscuits.

"As I was saying, I feel like we should bake together." Woolf said. "Because I can grab items, remember?"

"Yeah..." Laff sighed. "Alright! Tomorrow?"

Woolf nodded quickly, he had his tail wagging. Happiness flooded through him, excitement creeping into him. He slightly felt like a pup!

"Can't wait!" Woolf exclaimed. "I feel like we should bake a cake!"

"Why not bread?"

"That's boring!" Woolf sneered. "But cake is cool, because it's sweet and tasty!" Woolf said, happily. "And bread, that's boring as hell. Like who would ever eat that crap-"

Laff gave a death glare, and that quickly shut Woolf up. But then the Gas-Man began to chuckle, he nodded in agreement.
Then taking a sip of his tea.
Woolf cheered in response, his mood was oddly better ever since he hung out with Laff. They both said their goodbyes, and Woolf left.

When Woolf made it to his old den, he remembered what he was supposed to do.
Get Laff's Soul.
Stunned from the memory, Jooice came up to him.

"Hey," Jooice greeted.

"Oh! Hello Jooice!"

"It's been a little while, how are you?" Jooice asked. "I haven't been doing so well myself..."

"Sad to hear, but I'm better then ever!" Woolf cheered. "I can hang out with Laff whenever I want too!"

"That's, that's pretty cool..." Jooice stammered.

"How's lessons with...Dino been?" Woolf asked. "I heard that your, ya know, a poltergeist."

"It's been fine, but wastes all our energy!" Jooice complained. "Meme is wasting time, he can't control what he picks up. So he just keeps breaking items!"

That's a shame, but maybe I should go with them. I not break pictures...
Woolf thought.

"Seems like it's gonna rain tomorrow." Jooice guessed. "It's gloomy today, must be an Omen."

Woolf shrugged. It did feel a lot more humid, and clouds covered the sky. Woolf nodded in agreement to Jooice's guess.

Now how will I get Laff's soul?!

Man, THAT was a shocker. Anyways hope you enjoyed and hope to see you next chapter!

Happy Reading!

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