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"Mommy!" Was the happy voice of five year old Hailey Williams, she had her dolls in her hand as she ran towards her mother who was in the kitchen.

"Baby girl what did I tell you of running into the house?" Mary asks her daughter which makes her stop in her tracks, before walking towards her momma, who is doing the dishes as they are waiting for the guests to arrive at Hailey's birthday party. They decided of having the family reunion at their house because of Hailey's birthday.

"Sorry, Mama." Hailey says as she stands on the little stool. 

"Genesis, sit." Hailey says to her doll with blonde hair and green eyes, she loves Genesis, as that's the name that came with her. "Please." Hailey says before putting her doll how she wanted to before she starts helping her mother with the dishes. Then Genesis fell over to her side as Hailey groaned as Mary assumed that Hailey was mad at Genesis for not listening to her earlier. "What did I tell you?" Hailey says as she props Genesis so that she's back sitting up and then she falls back down again.

"Calm down, sweetie before you get mad." Mary says to her daughter as her father Trevor is flipping through the channels with their other daughter Olivia in her father's arms.

Then the guests started coming in to the house, as Hailey rushes towards her grandmother Alice, while Olivia goes to their grandfather Jack, as Peyton is too busy playing with his cars to even notice. They sit at the dining table enjoying their time together as Hailey talks about Genesis getting into trouble by not listening, as she loves that doll.

Then someone kicks the door off it's hinges, and starts shooting at everyone. The siblings go off to try to hide from them then Hailey hears gunshots and sees her brother and sister fall to the floor covered in blood. She hears the family's rottweiler, Buddy, go off to save the girl but Buddy is shot too, as he whimpers, before minutes later takes his final breath.

Twelve years later

Hailey wakes up with a start as it's that time of the year where she has nightmares of her family being murdered, as it always ends at that part and nothing after it. Which she's guessing that she doesn't remember what else happened. Hailey checks to see what time it is, as it's three in the morning as she sighs, before getting up as she knows that she won't -- well can't fall back asleep. She could if she didn't have the nightmare.

As she walks down the squeaky floorboards into the kitchen before grabbing a can of soda and opening it, and taking a sip out of it. She hears footsteps walking down the stairs, as it's dark but she doesn't need light to know who it was. Her father, -- well adopted father Derek Morgan.

"Let me guess had the same nightmare?" Derek asks, as he knows that's a stupid question of asking as he already knew the answer even before she opened her mouth. "Never mind. I can already feel that glare you're giving me."

"Surprise, surprise, what gave it away." Hailey says sarcastically as she closed her eyes knowing that he would turn on the lights, which he did. She prepared herself when he would turn on the lights. When he did, she saw the lighting from outside of her eyelids. "When are they going to stop, this is why I never sleep."

"I know the feeling babygirl." Derek says to her as she nods her head as she knows what he's talking about. She's heard of the story numerous times over the years, as a couple months ago they recently did a case about it. "Don't let the nightmares get to you, okay?" He says as she has a weak smile on her face.

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