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Hailey's POV

I told JJ that I had to cancel our plans of me spending the weekend because my dumbass forgot that I had orientation for the college I was wanting to go into. Of course, she understood as she said that we can always make other plans. I packed a couple of guns and knives and a self-protection kit thing.

I took a deep breath as I sat on the plane and I got the window seat, after I got situated I texted Dad telling him that I had just gotten on the plane and was now waiting for it to take off.


I rented out a car and was on my way to the hotel that I rented for my stay here, as I didn't know how long the orientation was and how long I was going to be here. I drove downtown reading off the overly descriptive directions that Spencer gave me which I thanked. Who needs Google Maps if you have a Spencer Reid, right? I took a turn and went to the nearest Starbucks as I still had time until I had to be at orientation for more like six hours as it's nine in the morning as far as I know there are classes going on right now, so that makes sense.

I walked into the coffee place and ordered my drink as I was texting on my phone while also keeping notice of my surroundings. As while I was gone I got wind that the team was having dinner at Rossi's mansion as it's not a house, as he's said that a bajillion times, as I smile at the memories of him saying that. As I was waiting for my drink as the coffee place was packed to a brim, I remembered what Penelope was talking about how I didn't want to leave Dad as this is going to be the first time that we've ever been apart from each other.

She wasn't wrong on the slightest, as me and Dad go way back literally since I was five to be exact, we've had a lot of memories, as he wanted me to have at least a shot of a normal life of a kid. Or to put it bluntly, a life that he never had, of the whole Carl Buford thing when he was a teenager after Papa died. Even though I never met him, but from what Dad had said that he was a good guy. Of course he was those parents that had 'rules' and 'boundaries' for their children. I wasn't as bad as he thought I was going to turn out to be.

Apparently he had a different vision of how I am now, versus how he thought I was gonna be. He thought I was gonna be this trouble maker kid who was always being sent home for their disruptive behavior at school, and was possibly going to a strict school for girls. Because I was a troublemaker and a rebel I still am to some degree but it's under the radar. At least that's what I'm calling it.

I also remember Savannah saying that I'm like the bird who doesn't want to leave the nest, because her safe and comfort bubble is in the nest, as she doesn't wanna leave the mom bird, and learn how to fly. At least that's how she put it. It makes sense, because I have separation anxiety as I've always had it since I was a kid. If I remember correctly before my family died when I was five from Jonathan Bentley. Yuck! But it's true.

There's been says that I've thought about what my life would have been if my family hadn't been murdered when I was five. What would may parents be like? Would they be together? How would I have met Dad? Or the others? Would I have been one of those cases that involve kids? Or one of the victims? Wait, why am I thinking about that? God I need to stop watching documentaries and crime shows.

What broke me out of my thoughts was the barista calling my name as for my sanity it's a fake name, that I've came up with so I don't cause attention as people do recognize me, as I think we've had at least a couple cases in Massachusetts. At least at some point in time. Then again, I don't know because I don't pay attention. In my defense it takes too much work.

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