Chapter 37

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She thought of what they should do for the future....

And then BAM

Somebody knocked on her door, interrupting her thoughts and scaring the living soul out of her.

She opened the door quickly.

"Annyeong Haesaeyo!" She bowed.

It was A few Interns from the  PR team.

"We have a huge problem."


"So are you telling me that they called Seven, The MV plagiarism, Revealed our clear couple pictures, Showed the whole world where I live, revealed an alledged picture of me shouting at an employee all at the same time?" Lisa asked once more.

"Yes Miss." The Intern in the PR team had to take care of this.

Lisa closed her eyes.

"Can you solve this?" Lisa asked.

Clearly, by sending the Interns, They once again mistreated Lisa and showed her that they look down on her.

"Yes ma'am!"

"Okay. Start then. I'll do something with Dispatch." Lisa got up and left.

She massaged her temples. She came to YG today to have peace. Sigh.

"Hello?" Jungkook had called her.

"Yah there is a huge problem" Lisa sighed.

"I know, they striked you real bad this time. Are you okay?"

Jungkook was abroad right now for a comeback shoot.

"Yeah yeah. And guess what? They sent the Interns to take care of it. They are 21s and 20s. They have life." Lisa said.

"Seriously? You should just move to HYBE at this point"

"Haha no chance."

"Alright then Li, I gotta go."

"See you"

"Love you."

Lisa got up and went outside to her car, Just as she passed the entrance point, A group of paparazzi surrounded her.

"Please move out of the way." Lisa sighed and smiled.

That fake smile she had to do for them, it annoyed her alot.

"Move out of the way please..." she once again said.

She was crowded by people, All of them asking her questions. One person, Mic even hit her in the face, causing a small scratch to bleed out.


Her bodyguards were on leave, unfortunately.

Just then, Jennie arrived with her bodyguards. She was supposed to have a  press conference about her upcoming solo song. She saw the scene.

"Yah Yong-Jae! Kim! Hurry up and go save her!" She said to her bodyguards.

The skilled bodyguards ran to save her.

Lisa was injured.

"Do you guys not have any shame? Can't you see she is injured?" Jennie stepped in. All the cameras stopped to look at her.

"Turn those off please." She went near Lisa and walked her up to the car.

"You can't drive now can you?" Jennie asked.

"I can its okay." Lisa sighed.


Lisa sighed for probably 100th time looking at her ceiling.

"What do I do?" She asked herself again.

One of the Interns called her.


"Hello. Madam Lisa, If its okay with you, can we reveal your relationship to the public?"

"Yeah if that's what it takes."

"Thank you."

The Intern hung up.

"Now what are they doing?" She asked herself.


Lisa woke up at 7 am. She was going to YG again today.

She arrived at 7.30 and went to the PR management office.

The Intern who was Head of Lisa's case took her to the office.

"Madam we have tracked some u information!" The Intern reported.

Lisa widened her eyes. Its as yesterday 6 pm that they took on the case officially. Within 13 hours they tracked down?

"That's impressive" she muttered.

"Heres the account on Instagram which was buried. She was the one who released the picture."


"Name is Gu Yeonji, age 26. Born and bought up in Daegu, She works in..."


"YG PR team." The Intern sighed.

"Motherf-" She stopped herself.

"Anyway, hand me her department no."

"Yes Madam."

Lisa walked to that department immediately.

"Aren't you Gu Yeonji?" Lisa asked one of the employees.

This employee was the one who released a picture of Lisa allegedly shouting at another employee.

The employee gulped.

She tried to run away but Lisa immediately pulled her back.

"Don't rush out just yet." Lisa said.


Long time no see huh? Short but I hope you enjoyed it! ILY 🤟

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