Chapter 38

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"This is Ridiculous! Our own employee betrayed us!!" YG shouted.

Everybody kept quiet while he took his anger out on the table.

"Fire her!! And I want another background check and quality check of the employees done by next week. Jung Solhee you will be incharge of that."

"Yes sir!"

"And Lisa, I hope you can get yourself and the others ready for a new comeback to put out this fire."

Lisa nodded.

"Meeting ajorned off you go"

Lisa walked out and found Rosè waiting for her.

"Hey rosie"

"Hey!" Rosè hugged her.

"Is something wrong?" Lisa could tell from Rosès face and her actions.

"I have some news" Rosè looked like she was swallowing her tears.

"What is it Chae?" Lisa's face made a very concerned expression, clearly worried for Rosè.

"Jungkook...Got into a...."

"Into a?" Lisa was about to fall on her knees.

"Car accident." Rosè finally finished, bursting into tears.

"Yah...why are you crying? He's okay right?" Lisa was trying to smile.

"Lisa..." Jennie walked in through the YGE doors.

Lisa was shaking her head in disbelief, One after another...Why was life bullying and torturing her so much?

Jennie hugged her tightly.

Paparazzi was waiting to dig deep into this, outside the doors of YG entertainment building.

Lisa couldn't believe this. Jennies bodyguards safely got Lisa out to the car park, Rosè and Lisa in the back seat while Jennie sat at the front with a bodyguard/driver.

They arrived at the hospital, Lisa stripped her mask, dropped it on the floor and straight walked to the operating theatre.

She stood there with her powerless body which was going to fall any minute.

Rosè strolled behind Lisa.

Lisa tapped her feet desperately on the floor, praying for him to be okay. Praying for everything to be fine, and like before.

Maybe God didn't like her much because its the complete opposite that happened.

The doctor came outside.

"Miss Lisa? I'm sorry but He is still unconscious. Charts can say that he'd be okay. But we still don't know."

Day and night, for 15 days, Lisa stayed in that hospital, desperately wanting him to get back up and hug her. By now, he was declared to be in a coma.

Jisoo tried to be with Lisa but Lisa wanted to be alone despite how weak she was.

ARMYs were raging and most of them ironically and predictably blamed it on Lisa although she had no link to this.

BLINKs supported Lisa although some of them betrayed her and were toxic to ARMYs and took the chance to put up with a fan war.

Rosè visited the hospital today. It was day 15.

"Lili I'm here with some food." Rosè handed a box of bibimbap to her.

"Not hungry Sè"

"Cmon. Please Pweaseee"

"Alright." Lisa sighed and had 2 rolls.

"At least you had that. Anyway what do the doctors say?"

"I Don't know"


Day 19.

Suddenly, 2 nurses and a doctor ran to the ICU room,startling Lisa wo just arrived at the hospital.

She stood up and waited for about 20 minutes.

The doctor came outside and smiled at Lisa.

"Congratulations. Mr Jeon is awake." He smiled.

Lisa fell to the chair, Her breathe that was held for 19 days left her. "Thak you so much!!!" She was in tears.

"My pleasure." The doctor walked away.

She asked for Permission and entered the room.

His face was had dried up wounds and scratches that were marking the accident. The doctor said it'll fade away in time.

"Kook...." Lisa started crying.

"If you cry I'd regret waking up" He tried to lighted the mood.

She was crying and laughing at the same time.

"The doctor said you'd forget some people...looks like you remembered me" She wiped her tears.

"That's right. Who can forget you Li"

"I love you" She smiled.

"Love you too"

Suddenly Taehyung and Jennie entered the room.

Jungkook seemed to be a little confused. Right. He forgot alot.


Hello Hello! We have 7 chaps to go 😭, I'm so glad and appreciate everybody who supported the book like its so impressive guys. ILY 🤟

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