•an unexpected turn of events•

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QUICK WARNING: there'll be a small hint of smut in this chapter and if you're not for that go ahead and skip the fourth "~•*•*•*•~" and you'll be good 👍

Setting: Chuuya's apartment, 12:00am
Chuuya's pov:

I had armed myself with one knife. That would be all I needed. I wasn't about to make this painless. After I could kill that damned Dazai all this rage would have some place to go.

I'd bury him in an unmarked grave.
I would ignore the hesitation I was feeling.
I will ignore this growing feeling of restless regret. That was some sort of mistake.

Killing Dazai had to be the answer.


I had all my plans ready. I would break into his apartment, and I would kill him. Slowly. Make him regret everything he's ever done to me.

I even made a list.
1. Turned the sheep against me
2. Almost killed me an uncountable amount of times
3. Treated me like a dog
4. Abandoned me
5. Blew up my car.
6. BROKE MY VINE! (Wine)

He would regret everything. And that was a shortened list. I wanted to punch something just thinking about those eyes of his.

Those goddamn brown eyes.
He would regret ever calling me 'chibi.'

I packed up my stuff, taking extra care to dust my precious hat off. I might as well look well dressed while committing murder.

After redressing myself, I looked in my mostly destroyed mirror. My eyes didn't seem quite as hollow. This was a sign! Killing Dazai was the answer.

Maybe all those lives I'd taken while trying to track him down were worth it. But i wasn't about to still call myself a good person after what I've done.

I needed to punch something right now. But I already had my nicest gloves on... dammit.

I left my apartment, walking through the dark streets of Yokohama towards Dazai's apartment. It had taken me less than three weeks to find.

All it took was tracking down the sales manager of a delivery company, killing many people to get to him, and forcing him to hand over the sales records.

Then all I had to look for was mass orders of bandages. Which wasn't hard to find. From there, I simply checked the address they were sent to and... voila. The damned shitty Dazai's apartment.

As I walked through the dark streets, I felt a strange sense of urgency...

That wasn't surprising.
I smirked. This was gonna be so much fun.
My anticipation only grew as his apartment came into sight... I had sent him my little 'message' yesterday so I assumed he knew I was coming for.

I was practically getting butterflies in my stomach from picturing the look on his face when I found him. That would be so goddamn satisfying.

I walked up to his apartment, easily levitating myself up to the top floor, where his apartment was. Only one light was on. I knew he was expecting me... but i was a little off put by the single light.

This had to be some sort of manipulation tactic.

Fuck, I hated him.

I broke the window to his apartment, and stepped inside. I could feel some sort of strange feeling... almost like I was a wild animal. I felt as if my senses were heightened...

There was almost a strange awareness I had of my surroundings. His apartment was messy as always, but at the same time well decorated.

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