•a series of even more problems•

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(A/N: thanks so much to anyone who's read to here! I would like to put out a TW for suicide. But not jokes.)
(Also no idea how I wrote that last chapter without my holy water stash)

Setting: a dive bar
Timeframe: after his beach run.
Chuuya's pov:

The lights of the bar were bright. A stark contrast to the thoughts in my head. Wasn't that bandaged freak supposed to be the suicidal one?

I sneezed violently.

Was someone talking about me?

"Scuse you!"
A guy said politely from next to me.

I shot him a death glare. He laughed.

Oh. I must look like a clown right now. Eye bags, wine spilled over my face and a sour expression plastered on.

"You seem lonely. What's your name?"
The man asked kindly, his fluffy brown hair bobbing slightly.

"Fuck you."
I muttered drunkenly. It came out a lot more pouty than I had intended.

"Well hello there fuck you! My names Kaz."
Kaz smiled warmly, and I looked over at him. His eyes were blueish gray. I disliked him. He was trying to copy my eye color.

I muttered.

I turned away from the man and focused back on my drink.

I'd have one more.




Setting: Chuuya's apartment
Timeframe: three hours later (ruh Roh...)
Chuuya's pov:

I'm pretty sure my apartment changed color over night. Everything was suddenly swirling around.

Ooohhhhh! I laughed out loud, walking around my house in pursuit of my bed. I had a violent sneezing fit before slumping on my bed and passing out immediately.





Or I would have if I hadn't received a text on my phone. I opened it with bleary eyes.

Fucking off brand mummy ass mother fucker suicidal mackerel bitch ass SLUT:
"Hey there 🤩 Chibi just wanted to say good bye!🤡🥸"

And that was it. Ugh. Why did damned Dazai have to be texting me when I was in the middle of my drunken slumber.

I texted back:
"You hanginin urselff tor somth?"

Fucking off brand mummy ass mother fucker suicidal mackerel bitch ass SLUT:
"I thought you didn't care about me TwT."

I sighed.
"No yyour own oonngly useful ssometmes. Hang on."

My phone lit up with his response, illuminating the dark room with its blue light.

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