•'Tension' rises amongst two aqquantinces•

864 19 56

Tw: smut. That's it.

Setting: Chuuya's apartment
Timeframe: three hours later (10:00pm)
Chuuya's pov:

No I'm not gonna talk about it.
All that had happened was a simple brief kiss. NOTHING MORE.

Okay, maybe it had lasted more than five seconds. And maybe someone started acting too horny. And maybe I was now in my apartment with said person. And said person was lounging around like he owned the place.

"ChUyA iM hUnGrY~!!"
Dazai shouted, rolling around on the carpet like some sort of dog.

"Fine. I'll make food."
I grumbled, heading to the kitchen.

Dazai perked up and followed me.

I began the process of heating up cup ramen, a technique passed down from broke artist to broke artist.

As I got the cup ramen out, Dazai wrapped his arms around my waist, making me jolt as I turned to face him.

Wrong move.

He breathed, as if he was simply testing my name on his lips.

I ignored the way he said that. I ignored myself feeling a little too warm in places where I shouldn't be.

"Shut up and let me make food."
I said tightly, a little pissed as I pushed him off me.

Dazai smirked, and I had a sense I'd started some sort of game with him.

I wasn't quite sure why I was making food for him, but I just felt the urge to.

I placed the ramen in the microwave, and leaned against the kitchen counter. Dazai immediately was at my side, looking down at me like some sort of sex-starved teenager.

I sighed.
"You haven't gotten laid in months have you."
I said, slightly annoyed.

Dazai gasped, and stepped away.
"Chuuya! What makes you say such a thing!?"
He asked, knowing full well exactly what made me say such a thing.

I scowled, my face slightly flushed.
"You know exactly why I said that!"
I said angrily, shifting my stance to a more traditional fighting one.

"And what's that?"
He drawled darkly, an admittedly sexy smirk plastered on his UGLY face, a complete 180 from his innocent tone earlier.

I paused, flushed. I could feel blood rushing down to my dick, certainly a place where it shouldn't be.

I shifted my stance, crossing my legs to hide the growing bulge in my pants. Dammit. How the fuck was I turned on by THAT.

Dazai smirked.
"Why are you standing so strangely? Perhaps... you're trying to hide something..."
He purred, approaching me.

I hopped on one of the barstools and sat stiffly on it, the friction of the motion on my cock causing me to emit a slight grunt. I gulped.

This could not go well. I set my hat down on the counter and prayed the ramen would be ready soon, so I could have an excuse to get away.

"Chuuya, come on, what's wrong?"
Dazai asked, growing ever closer as he looked down at me, a catlike smirk on his face.

I said tightly. Clamping my thighs together as tight as possible so shitty Dazai wouldn't get any ideas. Not that him acting on those ideas turned me on even the slightest.

That hot feeling grew in me, and the tension in the room was palpable.

"So if I pushed you up against the counter and spread your legs, I wouldn't find anything?"
Dazai asked, one of his hands reaching to rest on my upper leg.

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