•regrets and chihuahuas•

684 22 44

Author note: So if you made it this far I just wanna say thanks so much for reading! I'll be releasing two parts (hopefully) every day.

Setting: the port mafia headquarters
Chuuya's pov:

Mori had called me into his office. This couldn't be good. But at least I'd have a distraction so I didn't have to think about... what Dazai said to me. That goddamn masochist.

"Ah, welcome, Nakahara Chuuya."
Mori said, his voice smooth as he crossed fingers and say calmly by his desk.

Mori had always disturbed me. Something about his smile that was off. I knew he'd killed the previous boss but still... he was creepy enough on his own.

Not to mention his absolutely vile fetish.

I could feel that empty gray feeling again. I always felt it around the port mafia. Something about this was so.. mind numbing.

I wished all this pain had a purpose.

"Aren't you going to greet me?"
Mori asked, his voice cool and level to mask his slight annoyance.

I knelt down on one knee immediately.
"Apologies, sir."

God I hated Mori. He was such an asshole and he wasn't ashamed.
At least I could focus on how much I hated Mori and not on Dazai. I wished I could stop thinking about that damned mackerel.

Mori sighs and stands up, taking long strides to crouch down and be eye level with me. Oh he knew that pissed me off.

"So. I received word you broke into your previous partner's apartment."
Mori said calmly. Though beneath that smiling facade was a threat of greater violence.

I nodded stiffly. Shaking from the anger I was feeling as I kept my mouth shut.

"And that was against your orders not to engage with him, correct?"
Mori asked, smiling faintly.

I gave another terse nod. I wanted to fucking burn this whole place down. Even if it was the only place I could call home.

But was it really my home? Fuck. I couldn't keep second guessing myself.

"Now, Chuuya. You do know what happens when you go against orders right?"
Mori smirked slightly as I nodded again, still kneeling as I faced down.

I knew Mori enjoyed degrading people. It seemed to be his favorite pastime besides well... what he's known for.

"Now, Chuuya, don't be shy. Just say it!"
Mori smiled blandly, but did nothing to hide the pernicious gleam in his eyes.

I let out an annoyed sigh on accident. Hopefully Mori wouldn't extend my punishment for that-

"Tsk tsk Chuuya. That's another three days added."
Mori smirked, clearly not trying to hide his sadism anymore.

I grit my teeth and just kept my head down. I wanted to kill him so fucking bad.

Of course I knew the punishment for defying orders. If I hadn't slipped up and just killed that damned mackerel I wouldn't be in this situation.

The punishment for defying orders was to be put in solitary confinement. But port mafia solitary confinement is different.

They'll play your favorite song over and over at varying speed and lengths so you hate it.

The room is completely white concrete.

It smells like mildew. There's no toilet.

The lights will flicker on and off on a whim.

And worst of all, there's a angry chihuahua in there.

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