•a break?•

666 15 44

Authors note:
TW:some mild horror in this chapter plus annoying sex jokes and a cliffhanger.

Setting: port mafia headquarters, Chuuya's office.
Chuuya's pov:

The phone was ringing. It was the same ringtone it's always been, the sounds of dogs barking. It gets annoying but I can't bring myself to change it.

It sorta reminded me of that angry chihuahua in solitary.

It had been three days since I'd finally been let out of solitary early, mostly because Mori needed a job done. I was glad to escape that hell though...

My sanity was thin enough as is without having to listen to 'lotta true crime' on repeat for days on end.

I picked up the phone already expecting something stupid. Instead, I froze. The person on the other end of the line was NOT anyone in the mafia.

It was a voice that couldn't stop living rent free in my head.

Phone static
"Well hello there little slug!"

Dazai's voice sounded from the other side of the line. I hung up and slammed the phone onto the ground, and watched it shatter into several pieces.

Dammit those things were so fragile. Why wasn't there an invincible iPhone??

"What the fuck..."
I grumbled, slightly disgruntled.

Someone shouted from a different office.
I really wasn't in the mood for this.

I yelled back and went to contemplating my work, before the person shouted back.

The person yelled back. I chose not to respond. I was a MATURE; RESPONSIBLE adult who WOULD NOT respond to such childish comments-

I yelled back in response. I could hear the person mutter something under their breath, but I then tried to focus on my new job.

My new job was researching the disappearance of an important mafia information holder.

Someone by the name of "verräter," had gone missing a week ago under mysterious circumstances.

I honestly didn't care too much but apparently the reason for the disappearance had caused enough of a stir that I had to get involved.

Apparently he had simply... vanished. There were CCTV footage of him walking through the park before he simply... disappeared. The footage wasn't edited or corrupted in any way at all... so something was definitely off.

At least I had a good mystery case to solve.
Eh. It was better than solitary at least.

But there was something more important than this case at hand. Why the fuck had Dazai called me? AND WHY THE HELL DID HE CALL ME 'SLUG'?

Goddamnit he was so fucking confusing.
Was this some sort of new manipulation tactic? Or maybe he just wanted me to overthink it. What was he going to say to me? Should I have really hung up?

Dammit I was overthinking again.
I hated that part of myself...


I could feel the hollowness rise up again, a empty feeling that unspilled tears would fall and stay falling.

The grayness threatened to consume me, a indescribable feeling of just unhappiness that weighed down on me worse than any feeling of anger.

It was as if every time I felt that gray feeling, time slowed down. I couldn't even bring myself to be angry. It was just an empty feeling that persisted, and made me want to... hurt myself.

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