•so... this is how you like it?•

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Timeframe: 1 second after
Setting: Dazai's apartment
Chuuya's pov:

Ah yes. The sight of the disgruntled brunette, his eyes hollow and brows raised, seeming shocked to even see Chuuya sitting there in his bedroom, was quite lovely.

Earlier today, when Chuuya asked him if he'd throw himself in the river, he'd said 'yes.'

Chuuya wasn't surprised, but his bluntness surprised the ginger. This was something quite new for Dazai, and Chuuya fully intended to take advantage of him.

"Now come along. Your apartment is an absolute mess."
Chuuya grabbed Dazai's wrist and pushed him out the window of the apartment's first floor window.

It would hurt him, but Chuuya didn't care.

Why would he care? The stupid mackerel wasn't him.

All that time they'd spent together and enjoyed was a facade Dazai had put up because he thought he could use Chuuya again.

No. Never again. Never again would Chuuya feel the same pain of Dazai leaving, because Chuuya was going to hurt Dazai until he knew, until he understood .

Perhaps Chuuya cared for Dazai in his own way. And if Dazai didn't like that form of attention, he could deal with it.

Chuuya followed Dazai through the window, activating tainted to soften the impact. Meanwhile, Dazai was crumpled over in pain from being forced through the window.

There were shards of glass stuck in his hands and he was trying to remove them with his bare hands.

Chuuya found the sight amusing, as every time Dazai tried to get the glass out of his hands, he pushed the glass further in.

"Chuuya's such a bitch."
He pouted, again trying to put up his mask of childishness.

Chuuya wasn't about to let him escape.
"Quit it."
He snapped as he grabbed Dazai's wrist by the bandage.

Dazai's eyes widened and he held very, very still.

"If I hear one word from you, I'll take these off."
Chuuya threatened, and for once, Dazai suppressed a comeback.

It was a sort of wonderful delight in being able to control him so easily with just a simple threat, and Chuuya relished in it.

Timeframe: 30 minutes later
Setting: warehouse
Chuuya's pov:

I had Dazai chained against a wall. He of course had made several innuendo, which I had quickly shot down.

"Why am I here?"
He asked, not making eye contact with me.

"Well, when two people love eachother very very much-"
I started

"No, like why did you chain me to a wall."
He said with an amused grin.

I wasn't about to let him feel comfortable though.

"Because, Dazai, I want you to hurt."
I said simply. Because there wasn't anything more to it. I wanted Dazai to feel pain because he deserved it.

no once Dazai understood what he'd put me through... maybe we could stop.

"How kinky of you~"
Dazai smirked, his brown eyes twinkling.

"Careful what you wish for, mackerel."
I smirked right back at Dazai, and his smile fell as the reality of the situation finally set on him.

He was chained against a wall at my mercy, and presumably would not be escaping.
I found this quite lovely.

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