Lock it (🎧, NSFW)

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Jenna Ortega x fem!reader

A/N: I ate a bagel making this

Warning: smut, car sex
"Jenna?" You ask quietly, leaning close to her as she holds on your wrist tightly, jaw set and eyes covered by her sunglasses as you make your way through the paparazzi.

Loud voices call out to the two of you to turn this way and that but Jenna didn't budge or give them a chance, moving quickly past the large crowd to get to her set destination in mind.

The car. Away from prying eyes behind the tented glass and a good possible sound barrier.

Her grip tightens slightly as people move in a little closer, eager to get a picture of the short woman and her girlfriend.

She pulled you along and you apologized sheepishly to the people you both bumped into even if it was their fault for trying to get a photo or autograph and it made your heart beat a little faster when Jenna wasn't stopping like she usually did.

You both went out for lunch with a few friends of hers from the scream cast. One of the most interesting and friendly groups you had ever met with all their own different personalities it fit so perfectly.

Jenna thought they were a little too friendly it seemed. Jack Champion was the one who brought her to this state, he was shamelessly flirty-friendly with everyone and any other time she didn't seem to really care for it. But when it was you, oh it made a knot tie tightly in her throat as she tried refraining herself from saying or doing anything about it knowing the man was just like that.

But that didn't mean she couldn't take out her frustrations in another way that didn't involve yelling but in you screaming her name just for her to hear.

Though you showed no interest in the man or played along with his little jokes she couldn't help the burning sensation in her throat.

So, she came up with an excuse to go back to your car to get something, saying she didn't want to leave you behind. A very lousy and obvious excuse to be honest.

Eventually, you both got into the parking garage where the paparazzi were not allowed and she drags you deeper in, passing the many expensive cars without taking a second glance as you near her Audi.

Before you could even question her, she yanked the door open and pushed you in hurriedly.

You struggle to get in slightly, legs stuck at where your feet go as you crawl in with her pushing you. You looked stupid and you were very glad the paparazzi weren't here to see the short woman you into her car with such ease.

Once in, the door slams shut behind her her hands impatiently reaches for your face, nose smushing against yours hurriedly as if someone was going to do it before her.

You squirm slightly, back against the hard making you slightly uncomfortable before eventually finding a place that would have to do for the time being.

You feel her hands roam across your body, from your face down to her neck then to your tits squeezing causing a gasp to leave you before a moan follows suite.

Your arms reach around her shoulders, pulling her impossibly closer as her tongue roams inside your mouth, feeling every angle she can feeling the vibration course through her face when you moan.

Her hands move down to your waist and she plays with the hem of your shirt, wanting it off as soon as possible.

You let her pull, moving away from the door to help her lift it off leaving you in your bra. Her mouth immediately connects to your jaw, throwing your shirt to the front of the car somewhere as she sucks along to your neck.

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