Ain't my fault-Zara Larsson(👻, NSFW)

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Tara Carpenter x fem!reader

A/N: I was eating nachos while making this, a lil short

Warning: seduction(?), smut


No one confused you more than the youngest Carpenter sister.

One second she would be attracted to you like a moth to a flame, then next she would avoid you like a cat to water. Always showing mixed signals and never really giving you an answer to your confused questions, changing the subject as quickly as possible.

Even now she confused you, back turned and pressed up against you in the middle of the crowded living room full of people, hot skin rubbing against yours as you both moved to the beat of the music.

Her breath fanned against your ear as she moaned, making you shiver and press further into her. Fingers deep inside her cunt as she held onto your back like her life depended on it.

Her hips rolled, trying to get more friction against your fingers that pumped in and out of her before biting your ear gently.

"There-" she choked out, throwing her head back and tightening her hold around your shoulders making sure you didn't pull to far away. "Don't stop!" She moaned, clenched around your fingers inside of her almost making it hard to continue to fast pace you had set.

You knew it was unhealthy. Always giving in and giving her what she wants but when she would do things that she knew would always make you weak in the knees, you just couldn't help it.

Like now, big doe eyes shine in the bright lights that flickered around you as she wraps her arms around her shoulders, bringing you even closer to sway with the music.

Nose scrunches up slightly with her smile, pressing a kiss to you neck before resting her face in it. How could you not give in? Who in their right mind wouldn't?

"Fuck, Y/N!" The loud moan filled the silent room along with the sound of your panting. "So good." She dragged out as her nails pressed deeper into your shoulders, creating crescent moon shapes.

You let out your own small shaky moan, the feeling of her squeezing around your fingers and the way she looked in general was enough to send you over the edge if given enough time just experience to it.

You shift slightly, moving further up and hitting a new spongy spot inside of her. It causes her to cry out, grip tightening against you. Trying to pull you closer to her. "H-harder!" She cried out. Who were you to deny her?

Maybe you should stop. Focus on yourself and decide what's best for you instead of worry about what Tara wanted 24/7.

"Do you think Tara would like this?"

"Sorry, I'm hanging out with Tara tonight."

"No, Tara wouldn't want me to."

"Tara needs help, I have to go."

All of your thoughts were consumed by her and it was exhausting. Trying to make someone happy who didn't know if they wanted to be made happy by you. But you couldn't stop, she was like a drug you couldn't get enough of even if you decided to quit a while, you would just eventually go back over and over again.

You knew that one day you wouldn't be able to take this anymore. Her dragging you on and leaving you in the same spot was going to drive you to insanity and take actions into your own hands.

But for now, you would happy go insane if it meant holding and dancing with her like this for a bit before begin pushed back into the hole she forced you into when she would decide she was bored for the moment.

"Right there!" She moaned out as you pounded your fingers in and out of her, body shaking against you as her hips raised slightly. You only forced them back into the bed as you pumped your fingers.

Then you felt a sharp pain in an area connecting your neck to your shoulder, her teeth sinking into your skin that sent vibrations through you as loud moans escape from her mouth, nails scratching along your back leaving their long, red marks.

You watched as her body tenses and your fingers become a little more wet from her orgasm as you slowed you motions, feeling her teeth stay firm on your shoulder as she breaths heavily with her arms still wrapped tightly around you.

You eventually pull out, feeling the cold air hit your fingers as she whines out. Sounds muffled by her bite on you.

She slowly lets go, string of saliva breaking as her head hits the pillow, eyes half lidded as she stares up at you. A small smile playing on her lips as she pulls you in by the shoulders.

You don't smile as you rest your head on her shoulder. You frown deeper, even. Knowing that tomorrow you had no clue if she would be clinging to you or avoiding you.

It was frustrating but the things this girl made you feel made it all seem worth it. You were the only one she gave this kind of attention too after all, you weren't exactly worried about anyone stealing her with how bored she seemed with everyone else she tried to get with.

Maybe you should stop giving her this kind of attention so you both could move on. But how could you? It seemed so impossible.

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