In my arms(🎧, SFW)

702 13 1

Jenna Ortega x fem!reader

Summary: times are hard for Jenna while filming for Wednesday, so you decide to pay her a little visit

A/N: I was eating Reese pieces while making this

A lil short once again


Your fingers drum on your knees as you stare out the window, eyes watching the trees and buildings pass in the dark night as the Uber drives you from the air port to your girlfriends apartment, well her temporary one.

It had been hard on her, the filming of Wednesday was a difficult process. She would wake up earlier than the rest of the cast to get ready and film, practicing different things to make her role perfectly.

Then, without even having a break from her hours of work, her Cello instructor would be waiting inside her apartment for her to start their session. Leaving her absolutely exhausted with not much sleep, the most she can get is only about six to seven before getting up and repeating the whole process.

She had called you a number of times, crying her eyes out and seeking your comfort late at night. Ranting about all of it while all you could do is sit there and listen, heartbreaking as you listen to the poor girl as she speaks and cries.

So, you did the only thing you knew you could do. Bought the expensive ass plane ticket, went through the whole process of getting through security only for the flight to be delayed for a few hours next to a screaming baby.

But, it was all worth for her, especially since she's gone through worse in the past few months you two have been apart. It's the least you could do instead of just lazing around your home worrying about her.

Eventually, you arrive at the apartment building and get out, hauling your duffel bag over your shoulders and paying the uber a decently large tip and stepping inside making a beeline for the elevator and luckily, the lady at the front desk doesn't question you.

You feel a mixture of emotions running through your body as you wait for the elevator to take you up to Jenna's apartment. On one hand, you're excited to finally see her after being apart for what feels like forever. On the other hand, you're a bit anxious about how she'll react to your surprise visit.

The elevator doors open, and you step out into a quiet hallway. You make your way down the hall, feeling a bit nervous as you approach the door to Jenna's apartment.

You feel your heart race as you knock on Jenna's apartment door. A few moments later, you hear soft footsteps and the sound of locks being undone. The door opens, and Jenna stands there in shock, her eyes wide and her mouth open.

Before she can say anything, you step forward and wrap your arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace eager to feel her in your arms again. She immediately melts into you, clinging to you tightly.

You feel her shudder slightly, tense body relaxing under your hold and you take a moment to realize how much you've actually missed her. Her smell, the way she felt, her holding you. "You're here," she whispers.

"Of course I am," you respond, running your fingers through her dark hair. You breathe in the scent of her shampoo and feel the weight of her head on your chest. It's like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and all the tension and worry of the past few weeks dissolves into nothing.

For a moment, you stand there, simply enjoying the sensation of her in your arms. You had gone too had been too long without holding the petite girl and she seemed to agree as her grip tightens on you.

You slowly pull away but not too far, reaching one hand up to rest on the side of her face causing her to look up at you with those beautiful brown eyes.

You smile, pressing a gently yet needy kiss to her soft lips that she immediately returns, placing both of her arms around your shoulders to pull you closer.

Then, with a sigh of contentment, you slowly pull away and gently lift her up bridal style and carry her inside the apartment, kicking your duffle back to sit beside the door.

As you make your way through the apartment, you take the time to look around the place. It was small but enough room for one person, her things liter around the place made it seem fit just for her. The take out boxes helped with that too.

You enter her room and gently set her down on her bed, noticing how exhausted she looks after the long hours she's been working. Her skin is pale, and she has dark circles under her eyes from fatigue. You brush her hair back from her face, noticing how long it's grown since you last saw her, and kiss her tenderly on the forehead. "I'm here now," you say softly. "You don't have to be alone anymore."

Jenna looks up at you with a soft look on her face. The small smile made your heart melt, and you can feel her arms wrapping around you, holding you tightly. You smile down at her, feeling the way your heart beat started up and warmth that filled your stomach. She seemed to always have that affect on you no matter how long you've known her.

"I missed you so much," Jenna says, her voice trembling.

"I missed you too," you reply, brushing a strand of hair from her face. A smell smile rest on your face as you stare at her, deep brown eyes tired but so full of life, freckles scattered across the pale skin she had earned from the lack of sun in Romania. "Let's get you some rest, okay?"

You help her shift into the bed and get comfortable, moving to lay beside her in the her back pressed into your front as you wrap your arms around her and pull her impossibly closer. Her arms wrap around yours, gripping tightly as she's in a dream and you'll disappear when she wakes.

You simply just kiss the back of her head, legs intertwining with hers and you take her hand, linking your fingers together and squeezing them gently.

You both lay there in the bed, listening to the gentle sound of each other's breathing, lost in each other's embrace. You feel your limbs growing heavy with weariness, but you don't want to let go. You want to stay here, in this moment, with her forever.

Just as you think you might drift off to sleep, you hear Jenna's voice, soft and husky. "I love you," she says, her breath warming the skin on your arms causing goosebumps to run along your skin.

You smile, your heart swelling with love. "I love you too," you say, your voice just as quiet and tender as hers.

As you drift off to sleep, you're filled with a sense of peace and contentment. This is home, her in your arms.

Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now