TMA || 19

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I can't say I knew the people I was looking at, but there were many pointers that made it obvious. The Maestri siblings looked pissed off as they glared at our guests, which was the biggest giveaway besides the fact that the man looks like an older version of my husband.

"I will only ask you once more. What the hell are you doing here?" my husband asked lowly.

"Caro, calm down," I said, putting my hand to his chest. His breathing was ragged and he was getting red in the face from his anger.

"So it's true then? You still insist on ignoring me, and you went and got married to a black whore," the woman spoke, glaring at both Raphael and I.

"Mariya," Florencia said in warning.

"Of course you support this circus show. You don't know any better," Mariya sneered at Florencia.

That's it!

"Get out!" I told them.

"Do you know who we are little girl?" the man I know as Raoul Maestri, asked me.

"I know exactly who you are, and I know how my husband feels about you. Your wife has been here for a minute and I don't mind the insults thrown at me, but you do not come into my house and insult my family, so get out," I told him.

"That is my mother you stupid girl," Raoul said to me.

"Then you clearly do not value her if you let your wife talk to her the way that she just did," I pointed out.

"She's my mother and I will talk to her any which way I wish," he scoffed.

"Not in my house you wont. My family is respected by everyone who walks through that door, so get out before I call security to escort you out," I threatened.

"You don't scare me little girl," he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Not my intention," I said before going over to the house phone. I called Sven and asked him to come in with some of the team. Seconds later, Sven walked in with three other men.

"Please escort them off of the property and ensure that they do not ever have access back here," I instructed.

"Yes Mam," Sven nodded before the guys moved to escort our 'guests'.

"Wait!" Salina said.

"What is it?" Marcia asked.

"I need to talk to my siblings," she replied.

"No," Fabius, Raphael, Luigi and Marcia refused. I remembered that Lui grew up with them, and they considered him a sibling as well, so it made sense.

The Maestri Amour (Wattys 2015) - ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now