TMA || 36

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"The team is waiting on my signal Sir," Sven informed me.

"Is it clear?" I asked.

"Yes Sir. We've counted six guys, so the extraction should be quick. We should have him out and en-route to the safe house within the hour," he replied.

"Alright. You have my go ahead. Keep me updated," I said before hanging up as my beautiful wife appeared.

"Do I look ok?" she asked nervously.

She looked beyond ok.

She was wearing a blue floor length dress with a peacock styled design on the bosom area, leading to the side of the dress. Her hair was in a sophisticated up-do and she had on a pair of diamond drops with a matching necklace and bracelet.

"You look enchanting cara mia," I told her.

"Thank you caro. I have no idea why I'm so nervous," she said.

"You're about to be revealed to the world as Gerard Hartley's eldest daughter. You have every reason to be nervous," I pointed out.

"But I have you by my side, so I know things will go well," she smiled.

"I will try my best to keep you calm," I promised.

"I know you will. Did you manage to find out what the plan is with Daniel?" she asked.

Daniel was still going through with his big reveal, but we'd heard that he was less than pleased to find out that we planned an event at the same time as his, especially since more people had ditched his event for ours.

"Chang will be on comms with Ralph and I. We decided that it would be best that he attend Daniel's thing so that we have reliable eyes and ears on the situation," I informed.

"But he's one of the most important people at the banquet. Can we really have the announcement without him? Won't it raise a lot of questions with regards to his presence at Daniel's event when such a huge announcement was being made about his own company?" she questioned.

"We've thought about all of that cara mia. Chang is only going there for a while so that he can get Katherine in. She's going as his date and will stay there while he comes over to the banquet in time for us to announce the merger," I explained.

"Shouldn't Kat be there too? I mean she is my father's daughter. Wouldn't it be wise to present a united front with the three of us?" she argued.

Why didn't we think of that?

"If we're not sending in Katherine, then who do we send?" I asked.

"You send Malia," she suggested.

"She won't be spotted as easily," I realized.

"Precisely, and right now, she's the most flexible of us all since Salina and Bianca's presence there would raise questions, and we know that sending Rhonda in isn't even an option. Besides, Celine will also be there, and if she's on our side as she claims, then I'm sure that she'll be able to gain even more information on everything," she replied.

"And this is why I married you," I smirked.

"Ah gee, and here I thought it was because of my witty self," she joked.

"It's always been about your witty self," I laughed before kissing her.

We headed out after making calls about the relevant changes, and the limo was waiting for us out front. I could tell that she was slightly anxious, so I reached out to hold her hand. This was as big a night for her as it was for us. I was beyond impressed by how she'd managed to arrange this whole thing in such a short space of time.

The Maestri Amour (Wattys 2015) - ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now