TMA || 23

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Five hundred and fourteen hours.

Forty five minutes.

Six seconds.

That's how long ago I'd last seen or spoken to my husband, and it was hell. Outside, I had adapted his stoic superpower, taking up The Maestri Empire helm in his absence, while I was slowly dying on the inside.

Darkness had befallen us.

Our date night had ended abruptly, and Raphael had gotten on the jet to America. He's been travelling the world since, and that's all I know. He hasn't gotten in touch with me yet, and I wouldn't care, if it wasn't for the fact that-

"Happy birthday my angels!" I beamed.

"Thank you mummy," they smiled back, but I could see the sadness in their eyes.

While I'd pushed my demon back, having to try and explain Raphael's absence to the girls, was something I failed greatly at. They're too smart to be lied to, so I didn't bother. I told them that not even I know where he is.

This is the first time I've ever been so shut out by him, and it's the worst feeling in the world. I don't know if he's ok or not. He doesn't answer his phone, and if it wasn't for the media spotting him everywhere during this crisis, then I wouldn't know if he was alive or not.

Basically, The Maestri Empire had shut down for a whole week. Nothing was operational, but everything came back online after a week. I know for a fact that that's why Raphael hasn't come back, but I worry that he wont make it for the girls' birthday.

"DADDY!" the girls brought me out of my thoughts.

I turned, and there he was.

He was dressed in his classic all black look. He had a cut on his eyebrow, and I could tell that he'd recently injured his knuckles. His hair looked like he'd run his hand through it multiple times, and it was obvious from how stiff he was, that it was from stress.

He looked more exhausted than I'd ever seen him, but a big part of me refused to feel sorry for him. I may have been worried about him, but I was just as equally angry with him. He let me in on the company operations, and then he turns around and completely shuts me out.

I'm not having that.

"Hello angels," he said with a genuine happiness as he hugged them.

I walked out of the room, simply because I was overwhelmed. Seeing him again was more painful than I thought it would be. I'd missed him so much, and he'd abandoned me without a thought. He didn't even bother to check in with me at any point in time.

Me, his beloved cara.

I was fuming and it was confusing. You know when you're so angry that nothing makes sense? That's what I was feeling, and it was just growing. I thought I'd be happy to have him back, but actually seeing him alive and well sent me over the edge.

I got into my car and drove to the glass house. The girls were having their party there. I'd been worried that Raphael wouldn't make it, but he clearly only cares enough for the girls. Realizing that I don't mean as much to him as I thought was less infuriating, and instead more on the deeply hurting side.

I managed to make it to the house without shedding any tears. It's amazing what one learns to put up with when backed up into a corner. I'd become a completely different person in three weeks, and I didn't like it one bit. The only problem is that I don't remember how to be myself again.

When Raphael left, everything was a mess at The Maestri Empire Headquarters. As expected, everyone looked to me for guidance, and I very quickly learnt that my nice girl persona just wasn't going to cut it.

The Maestri Amour (Wattys 2015) - ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now