TMA || 7

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I woke up at six in the morning and silently made my way out of the bed. I managed to make it downstairs without waking anyone up.

Today would be my first day as the lady of the house.

It was Monday, which meant that Raphael was going back to work today, and the girls were heading to their tutors. Raphael and I had discussed actually getting them into the school system, but we realized that we couldn’t because of their age and advanced knowledge.

They are after all, five years smarter than the kids their age.

I kid you not!

Raphael had their IQs tested.

It was insane to find out such a thing, but hey, who am I to argue when I have talented kids? That’s one thing that’s officially changed. I fully regard them as my daughters now, much to Raphael’s happiness.

It’s been three days since I announced that the wedding would be in a month’s time and already so much had happened. Bianca is helping me plan it, and Raphael is flying Rhonda down as well. She’s been given a month’s leave.

The perks of being the boss’ wife’s best friend.

Lui and I would be fetching her from the airport since the girls have their lessons and Raphael will be at work. He wanted to get me my own driver, but I told him it’s unnecessary. I’m always with the girls, which means Lui can drive me since if they’re not with me, they’ll either be with Anita, Florencia, my grandmother or their tutors.

I took out my ingredients and got to cooking breakfast for everyone. While many women would think that being a housewife is demeaning or even boring, I would like to think otherwise. I wouldn’t want to be a housewife forever, but I was definitely loving it right now.

It brought me some kind of other joy to be able to cook for my family. Their smiles of happiness are what keeps me going, and I’d cook a thousand times just to keep those smiles. I just love having them look at me like I’ve saved them.

I know I have.

And I know that they’ve saved me too.

 The time that I’ve spent with the Maestri’s has made me realize that no matter what happens in the future, I belong here with them. I have never known happiness like this. It’s not even about the lavish lifestyle that comes with them. I love them because of the feeling I get from loving them. They make me feel like I’m important, and the heavens know that at this point in time, they are the most important people to me.

I would do anything for them.

“You’re up early,” a voice made me jump. I turned to find Anita there, staring at me with amused eyes.

“Yeah! I wanted to make them something before they leave,” I smiled.

The Maestri Amour (Wattys 2015) - ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now