TMA || 21

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I've heard the saying 'Find something you love to do, and you'll never have to work a day in your life', and I'd seen it apply to my husband, but I never thought it would one day apply to me as well. I am absolutely in love with my new job.

It took a while, but after two weeks, I've definitely got the hang of things, and everything is coming together quite nicely. You'd think I'd be exhausted, especially since my husband doesn't allow me to neglect him, but I have never been more energized in my life.

"Mi amore, are you ready? This is a big day and week for you," my husband said in concern. We were having breakfast before our busy day ahead.

"I'm fine caro. Please stop worrying over me. I told you that I'm ready. Your constant worry will only make me doubt myself," I smiled.

"And we most definitely don't want that. Ok, I'm calm and I'm not worrying anymore. How's everything coming along with the restaurant?" he asked.

There were two big things happening this week. Today Raphael will finally be announcing my position in the company to the world, and then on Friday, it's the grand opening of the restaurant. I'm honestly surprised at how quickly everything came together for the restaurant, but then again, my husband is pretty influential.

"Everything still needs to be finalized. Malia flew in last night, so at least I'll have her help at the office today," I replied.

I'd been on the phone with Malia just three days ago, discussing her return home, and that's when it hit me. She wasn't sure what she was going to do with her life now that she's coming back, so I offered her the P.A position since I hadn't found anyone else for the job. She agreed and said she'd be home ASAP.

"That's good. I'm sure Bianca will brief her while we're in the press conference. She's got a whole lot to do as your P.A, especially once the news comes out," he commented.

"I know, but I'm super excited about her being here. It's a new venture for us both, and I feel like she's going to do a better job than any other P.A I could've hired," I beamed.

"I can get that mia moglie. We should really get to leaving. We have a lot to do today," he sighed before finishing off his coffee.

It wasn't even five in the morning, but that didn't faze us. With the girls gone and enjoying themselves, we've been leaving early and coming home late. It's amazing how we have time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, work and uhm, extra activities.

And again, we still don't get tired.

Today I was dressed in a light chocolate dress with white polka dots, which I'd paired with a white blazer and matching shoes and accessories. For the sake of matching (as a united front), I dressed Rafe in a light chocolate suit, white shirt and dark brown shoes with a matching belt.

We looked dressed to kill.

And we were going in for the kill.

In the past two weeks, something that has also kicked in is my confidence. I am more confident not only in who I am, but in my status. I am the wife and business partner to Raphael Maestri, one of the most respected men in the world.

And he is so proud of me.

I don't think I've ever had a greater cheerleader in my life.

I thought my grandmother was my greatest cheerleader, but my husband beats her by miles. He reminds me every moment that he can that I not only mean the world to him, but that I am an amazing woman who was destined for greatness.

The Maestri Amour (Wattys 2015) - ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now