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"Girlie, are you ok? I feel like I'm looking after you here, and it's meant to be the other way round," my best friend said as she sat on the couch.

"I'm ok. I'm just trying to understand what I did to Raphael for him to react the way that he did last night," I sighed.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, so I told her.

"Well, that is strange. And you say he was acting strange earlier in the day too?" she asked, to which I nodded once more.

"Maybe he's going through something," she commented.

"That's what I'm thinking. I just wish he didn't shut me out," I replied.

"Don't put much thought into it. He'll probably call you back once he's dealt with whatever is bothering him. Just give him time," she suggested.

"I will," I agreed.

"Good! Now, I believe you promised me a nice foot rub," she said innocently.

"It's funny how you're the only one who remembers this encounter," I raised an eyebrow.

"Deep down, you do. You're just blocking the memory because of your worries over your husband," she said cheekily.

"Uh huh! Speaking of better halves, has Jono landed yet?" I asked as I set her feet on my lap.

"I just got off of the phone with him. He landed but he says he wont be staying for eight days as originally planned, and now that I know that you and Raphael aren't on good terms, I understand his sudden decision," she replied.

"He doesn't have to do that," I panicked.

"We both care about you girlie, which is why I support his decision fully. We look up to you guys, which is why we want to help you where we can," she said.

"You both really don't need to worry," I told her.

"Joel may not have to, but I certainly do," she said, folding her arms.

"Why?" I scowled.

"Because you're either lying to me, or you're desperately trying to hide whatever is going on with you," she replied.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, looking anywhere but at her.

"I'm pregnant and I've been banned from doing any work girlie, which means I'm just itching for a new hobby, like oh I don't know, finding out what you're hiding from me," she pointed out.

"When did Jono say he'd be back?" I asked.

"You're changing the subject," she deadpanned.

"I'm not. I just need to know," I defended.

"He'll be back by Tuesday morning. Why do you ask?" she asked.

"Well, there's something I need to talk to you about," I responded.

"So you are hiding something from me?" she asked.

"I am, but you'll understand why once I've told you," I sighed.

She dropped the questioning and we spoke about other things, but my mind was still stuck on Ralph. My encounter with him had been the greatest shock of my life by far, but once I knew his entire story, I was convinced.

However, I don't know how my husband is going to take it.

You see, this is something I have no intentions of hiding from him. There's already so much that he and I have overcome, and I'm not about to jeopardise that by hiding the biggest secret ever. This he needs to know, and I don't care who has any obligations, or whatever their obligations may be.

The Maestri Amour (Wattys 2015) - ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now