TMA || 20

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"How does mummy make this look so easy?" Camilla huffed as she too had a pancake land on her head just as I walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing to begin with?" I chuckled.

"Don't laugh daddy! Since we're on holiday, and we know that mummy is probably freaking out upstairs, we thought we should make breakfast so that she doesn't have to," Caterina explained.

I have the world's greatest daughters.

Truth is, my wife was freaking out. She has been ever since I suggested that she come to the building with me so that she can set up her new office and interview candidates for her P.A position. She immediately loved the idea, but she woke up panicked.

I have the utmost faith in her. I know that she can do this once she gets over the jitters. She was born for greatness, and this is just the beginning. She said that having an office would help her work better, hence me offering it.

I had them put her office next to a large room that used to be a boardroom. I figured that unlike me, she will need space for things like planning, much like she did with our wedding, so that room is for that. I already had someone stock the room with flipcharts, boards, a projector and a white board.

"You are absolutely right. Mummy is having a panic attack. I'm proud of you for thinking of her," I smiled.

"It's the least we could do. She already does so much for us," Calinda beamed.

"That she does. Do you want my help?" I asked.

"Don't you need to get ready too?" Caprice scowled. I was still in my pyjamas but I'd already showered.

"I take a shorter time than mummy does. Plus, she hasn't picked out my clothes yet," I replied.

"Can't you pick out your own clothes daddy? You're a grown man," Caterina teased.

"And you're smart enough, but you don't see me asking you the same thing when you let her pick out your clothes," I raised an eyebrow at her.

"We're kids. We're allowed to milk that for as long as we can," Caprice smirked.

"And she's my wife, so I also get those benefits. Beat that," I said before sticking my tongue out at them. They giggled.

"And you're supposed to be the adult here," Camilla shook her head at me.

"Don't judge me," I pouted.

"That's not helping your case," Calinda giggled.

"Whatever! You four are just bullies, so your opinion doesn't matter," I huffed.

"I don't think you're ready to go to work," Caterina commented.

"I agree with Cat. Mummy babied you too much. Those other businessmen will eat you alive," Caprice added.

"There goes our family's fortune. We've lost our CEO daddy and are stuck with a baby," Calinda said dramatically.

"I say we put him up for adoption. I'm too young to raise a grown man," Camilla laughed.

The nerve of these children!

"I have the good sense of disowning you," I said seriously.

"Eh, it's ok. We've got a mum now," Caprice shrugged.

"Hit us with your best shot," Camilla and Calinda said in sing song before the four of them burst into laughter.

"This isn't bullying any more. I'm so telling on you," I crossed my arms.

The Maestri Amour (Wattys 2015) - ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now