chapter 1 ~ moving into the apartment 🧸

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(everybody that was on the paris field trip season 2, will be living in these apartments).

charlie, nick, and everyone looks around the large apartment after arriving, they'll all be staying here during their summer break. the apartment is 5 stories/floors in total, it has a down stairs (with a combined living room, kitchen, bathrooms, etc) and then the upstairs (the rest of the floors) all have the bedrooms/dorm rooms (everyone has their own bedroom/dorm). nick and charlie decided to claim bedrooms next to each other (on the 3rd floor), and so did tara and darcy. tori is directly across from charlie's dorm. the others have dorms next to them.

after everyone expored their new apartment, everyone went into their own dorms to unpack their belongings/suitcases.

charlie's pov:

charlie first unpacked all his clothes, and then plugged his phone into the charger next to his bed.

charlie then grabbed his age regression gear from a small pouch in his suit case - he put his paci's, paci clips, baby bottles, baby/little toys, colouring books, bedtime books/stories, & a lot stuffies/plushies (he tucked a few stuffies into his bed, too) - and he put everything else into one of his dresser drawer's so nobody could see or find them.

he was finally finished unpacking! after a few minutes, tori came into charlie's dorm, being done as well and just chatting with charlie on his bed.

tori's pov:

Tori has been charlie's cg since finding out charlie age regressed (back when charlie was bullied really badly).

Tori could tell charlie hadn't slipped for a while, and Nick and the others would be going out for a bit to shop, Tori thought it was the perfect time for charlie to regress since noone would see.

"charlie" tori spoke up, looking over at charlie, seeing him put his remaining, now empty suitcase to the side of his room. charlie looked over at tori, and walked over, sitting on the bed. "you haven't regressed in a while, did you want to, bud?" charlie's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly. charlie got up from his bed and tori replied, "okay, why don't you get changed into something more comfy? and you can pick a paci and a stuffie too"

charlie walked over to his closet where he just recently hung up all his clothes. charlie had a hard time choosing, but decided to wear this:

after charlie picked everything out, he went into the bathroom (he has one connected to his bedroom) and he changed into this outfit

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after charlie picked everything out, he went into the bathroom (he has one connected to his bedroom) and he changed into this outfit.

"awww, look at you, the bear is adorable!" tori cooed at charlie, after he was done changing. from just putting on the outfit charlie was already slightly regressed. charlie giggled and smiled at tori "hehe mes likes beawrs a wot, towri!!" charlie held onto his dog plushie, and tori put the paci into charlie's mouth. charlie started babbling to tori, and tori listened and smiled. they both sat on the ground, and charlie got out a bunch of little toys and started to play for a while. after a few hours charlie got sleepy, and tori picked up the little char and put him in his bed, tucking him under the blankets. charlie quickly fell asleep with his stuffie and the soothing of his paci. tori cleaned everything up, and put it back in charlie's "little space" draw. all that was left out was charlie's paci (in his mouth) and his stuffies. tori smiled at the sleepy boy, and quietly closed charlie's door.

tori looked at her phone and it was now 11pm at night, and it seems like everyone came home from shopping and was now asleep. she sighed happily knowing noone would bother charlie tonight since it was so late. tori then went to sleep herself.

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