chapter 6 ~ accidentally regressed & stressed 🧸

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charlie and nick had went to a party, it was for one of their friend's and although nick was a person that could tolerate parties, the same couldn't be said for charlie. they both arrived to the party, and just walking in, it was a very loud and large party. it was very overwhelming for charlie, though he didnt want nick to be worried for him or ruin his time at this party. nick greeted the other party guests, and the host, and charlie accidentally lost nick in the crowd.

charlie didnt know what to do, and the loud music and bright lights were starting to really overwhelm charlie. he slowly walked away from everyone - and went upstairs, it wasn't as loud up here as downstairs.

"charlie." a voice spoke from the shadows of the room, slowly walked towards charlie.

charlie turned around, recognizing the voice. it was ben.

"what the hell are you doing here?" charlie got defensive. he remembered the last time he was alone with Ben, and that didn't go well.

"oh come on, char.." Ben grapped charlie by the arm, pulling charlie closer to him.

"DON'T TOUCH ME-" charlie yelled, kicking Ben away.

this was the first time charlie stood up for himself, and was able to push Ben off of him. Ben rolled his eyes, and charlie quickly turned around and started walking away, luckily Ben got the hint and didn't follow charlie. charlie ran straight towards the bathrooms, because he started to feel his thoughts getting really fuzzy. charlie closed the bathroom door, and ran his back along the bathroom door, sighing.

charlie pulled out his phone, to his surprise he had a few messages. a few of them were from nick.


nick: 'hey, where are you?'
nick: 'charlie please answer'
nick: 'hey im getting worried'

charlie quickly read the messages and responded.

charlie: 'im sorry'
charlie: 'im upstairs, in the bathroom. ran into ben and i feel sick'


charlie put his phone down, after seeing that nick read the message, and started to take deep breathes, everything was going to be okay.

charlie's phone buzzed, nick responded.

nick: i'm coming, hold on.

after a minute, nick knocked on the door and charlie let him in. "Hi" nick opened the door slightly, as charlie leaned forward.

Nick looked at the curled up boy on the ground, and pouted his lips. "aw, baby"

just then and there: charlie started to slip, with nick's babying and him already being really stressed out.

charlie climbed into nick's arms, acting like a little baby. and nick understood what had happened: charlie had accidentally slipped. "aw, char char" nick whispered, and luckily nick brought with him charlie's comfort stuffed animal and one of his paci's in case of an emergency.

"here, baby" nick popped the paci into charlie's mouth.

the paci:

nick brushed through charlie's hair with his hand, and softly comforted the boy. "it's going to be okay, little one, im here"
nick pulled char into a hug, cuddling him in his lap.

charlie's eyes started to close. "shhh, you can sleep, baby" nick started to rock charlie back and forth in his arms, putting the boy to sleep softly.

a few minutes went by, with charlie still sleeping in nick's arms. and nick had to find a way to sneak both of them out of this party.

nick decided since charlie was now fully asleep and regressed, that he'll put charlies stuffie back into his bag, and he'll take charlie's paci out until he was able to get back to the car. nick carried charlie out of the bathroom, taking everything and putting it away, and he carried char's downstairs - which was now not that crowded or loud, luckily. nick opened the front door, and carried charlie out to the car, still sound asleep in his arms. nick cooed at his little baby, as he put him in the car, and took everything back out again, and put char's paci back into his mouth before he noticed.

age regression - nick & charlie (heartstopper)Where stories live. Discover now