chapter 2 ~ charlie's attempt 🩹

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tw: suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts
(there's also kinda fluff at the end?)

[note: this takes place a few days after chapter 1]

charlie walked up the stairs slowly, with a glass of water in hand. charlie was wearing one of nick's jumpers, with shorts, and white socks.

it was around 11:50 pm, almost midnight.

charlie's bad thoughts had been coming back after running into ben. ben had tried to push charlie against a wall, but charlie had pushed him away. charlie was thinking about the situation. after charlie reached his bedroom, he looked around and wondered where nick was. he was probably getting dinner, charlie thought, although in reality he was in the room next to charlie's - hanging out with tara, darcy, tao, elle, isaac and a bunch of other people.

"maybe I do just ruin people's lifes".. charlie thought to himself, letting his suicidal thoughts consume him.

charlie looked towards the window (in his bedroom), and noticed it was wide open. charlie put his water down, getting closer to the windows. "..thats a long way down." it was a 5 story apartment, charlie being on the 3rd floor. charlie wasn't sure if it would kill him or just cause a few broken bones. charlie opened the window more, and started to climb through - he put one of his legs through the window and was about to jump, "this is what I deserve anyway, suicide." charlie thought.


"char- CHARLIE!" suddenly, charlie heard yelling and someone pulling him tightly from behind - it was nick. he quickly grabbed charlie's entire body, being stronger than charlie by a ton, pulling charlie into his arms - holding him. No words were said for a few seconds, nobody appeared in the doorway either from the screams, it was just them two in the dark bedroom with nothing but the hallway light on.

"Charlie.." nick started to talk, but buried his head in charlie's shoulders, refusing to let go.
" weren't trying to commit suicide, were you..?" nick paused, his voice got shaky, and charlie noticed tears streaming down his checks. charlie started to think, and started to cry as well realizing what he was about to do if nick didnt stop him. nick picked char up, closing and locking the door so it's just them, and he carried charlie to his bed.

Nick pulled charlie under the covers, and cuddled him softly, still crying and holding charlie as comfort. "..please..char.." nick paused, his voice was muffled by him still burying his head into charlie's chest. "please, talk to me." nick looked up at char, and charlie didn't know how to respond. charlie wiped nick's tears away, and held nick closely, enjoying his warmth. "I'm so sorry, i wasn't thinking.. i just-" nick held charlie closer, "char, what did I say about using the "s" word?" nick looked down at charlie and gave a half-smile through his tears, glad at char is safe and nick came at the perfect time.

charlie looked up at nick, and nodded his head, wiping his tears. charlie slightly tried to get out of the strong grip nick had on him - before nick got on top of char, holding him down as if he was scared charlie would get up and try to jump again. nick looked up at char, and holding charlie's head closer to him, nick was completely protecting every part of charlie, he couldn't escape or move if he tried. charlie tried to move a little, and get out of nick's grasp, although charlie will admit, he liked it and found it cute how overprotective nick was like this. charlie slowly tried to wiggle out of nick's arms to see what he'd do.

"stop." nick said with a sturn voice, as he pushed charlie down harder into the mattress, charlie being completely under the blankets to the point where he couldn't move an inch now, and nick made sure he didn't accidentally hurt char at all, as that's the last thing nick wanted to do.

charlie giggled, and then pulled nick close, and nick and charlie cuddled all night, enjoying each other's warmth.

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