chapter 3 ~ healing slowly and coping 🧸☁️

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after a few days, nick made sure charlie never left his sight ever, and he became the most overprotective boyfriend there was.

one night, nick brought charlie to his bedroom, carrying him in, and he held charlie close in his embrace. "Hey, char?" he shut the door and made sure to lock it, before putting char on the bed. He then got up to turn off the bedroom lights, leaving them both in the semi-dark. "I wanted to ask, do you have any coping mechanisms?" he then got in bed next to charlie, although nick pulled out his phone to check the time real quick, waiting for charlie to respond. charlie was debating if he wanted to tell nick about his age regression, and charlie wasn't sure how he'd react or feel, and charlie wasn't 100% sure he'd even know what age regression was.

charlie pulled out his phone, as he was already pretty much non-verbal from the long day, and charlie opened up his notes app and typed out: "age regression". charlie then showed nick his phone, as he read it. you were nervous, terrified, what would he say? would he even accept it?

"age regression?" he asked aloud, as if he couldn't see clearly, and charlie nodded, leaving nick to get up off the bed. "I never thought you age regressed, that's really adorable, but now that I think about it, it kind-of makes sense." he got up off the bed, and tucked char into the covers nicely, charlie got confused on why he left the bed.

"i'll be right back, okay, darling?" nick slowly walked and opened the door, unlocking it first, and walking out of his bedroom. charlie turned to his side, still confused, and grabbed his little weighted duck plushie. this is what it looked like:

charlie laid in bed for around 5 minutes, unable to sleep being regressed and confused on why nick left him all alone here, so charlie started to suck his thumb gently, and get more cuddled under the covers

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charlie laid in bed for around 5 minutes, unable to sleep being regressed and confused on why nick left him all alone here, so charlie started to suck his thumb gently, and get more cuddled under the covers. after around 7 minutes, nick came back to his bedroom, slowly opening the door and charlie noticed one of his paci's in nick's hand.

"sorry I took so long, I remembered a few days ago you accidentally left this paci in my room, and I found it and looked into age regression.." charlie looked towards nick, thumb still in mouth as nick cooed at char in awe. he grabbed the paci (nick washed it before-hand) and moved charlie's thumb, "here, char" nick put the paci in charlies mouth and charlie started to suck on it, nick got closer to charlie and held him softly. "char, i'm proud of you for having the courage to tell me this." nick smiled at his little baby in his arms, and he held charlie's head closer to his chest, as he pulled charlie in to cuddle.

charlie fell asleep in nick's arms, as they both drifted off to sleep.

age regression - nick & charlie (heartstopper)Where stories live. Discover now