chapter 8 ~ charlie regressed at a pride parade 🧸

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charlie and nick went to their first pride parade together!!

it went on all day until night, and it even ended up raining during a few hours of it - but luckily nick thought ahead and brought an umbrella for the two of them. they went around shopping at the little shops nearby the parade, first going to a bookstore, and then a candy store..

after a while of walking, charlie and nick spotted a toy store nearby, and they both decided to look around the store. char slowly started to feel himself regressing.

though, he didn't want nick to know he was slightly regressed, so charlie pushed it off. charlie and nick stepped into the toy store, and immediately charlie found the cutest - and his favorite stuffie in the whole store. nick looked down at char, and smiled, definitely noticing his little one has regressed.

the stuffie:

(the lil kitty :3)

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(the lil kitty :3)

charlie: "we's get dis one?" charlie picked up the little cat plushie, forgetting his idea to push off his regression - and instead accidentally slipped into little space. charlie held the plushie under his arms, and played with its legs - positioning it to sit. char smiled up at nick, without even noticing the slur in his words.

nick: "of course, baby, let me pay for it." nick picked up the plushie, and took it to the register. after a few minutes, they were done and headed outside. nick looked back at charlie, who was giggling and hugging his new friend. nick found char adorable when he regressed.

nick: "where do you want to go next?" nick pointed around, and char looked around, spotting a pond you could feed ducks (with a duck food dispenser for quarters). nick smiled as they both walked towards the little pond, and nick put a few quarters in the dispenser, getting food for the ducks for him and charlie.

a few minutes later..

nick and char finished up with feeding the ducks, and charlie soon gained tired from all the work. nick picked char up, and carried him straight to their car.

it was around 10:57 pm, and it had gotten pretty dark, so nick drove char and himself back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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