chapter 5 ~ its past your bedtime 🧸

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nicks pov:

it had just hit 12:00 am, and charlie was completely regressed in nick's lap, nick knew he had to put his little sleepy boy to bed soon because staying up too late while regressed causes char to be cranky in the morning. but, he knew charlie was going to fight against going to bed.

"charlie.. baby, we should go to bed soon.. its past your bedtime." nick quickly put a bunch of books and toys to the side of the bed, and started to tuck charlie into the covers of the bed.

"nuu!!! nu sleepy.. mes no's sleepy!" charlie quickly started kicking his legs and thrashed about, trying to stop nick from putting him to bed. "to's eawrly!!! no sleewpy time!" charlie threw a soft plushie at nick, and nick sighed - knowing this would happen. nick tried to quickly think of something to calm charlie down, and to get char to go to bed.

"hm.. oh!" nick popped a paci into char's mouth and picked him up, rocking char back and forth. charlie soon became tired, and closed his eyes. nick smiled, with his little sleeping baby in his arms - and went to go turn off the lights in the bedroom. nick then headed back to bed with charlie, and re-tucked his little one back into bed.

'awww.. your so cute, char' nick thought to himself, while getting into bed with charlie.

nick pulled out his phone, it was now 12:39.. gosh, that took forever to get charlie to bed. nick quietly scrolled through instagram, while keeping his phone brightness down to not wake up charlie, whom was sleeping on nick's chest. nick brushed his hand through charlie's hair, and quietly yawned, pulling up the blankets and putting his phone on the nightstand. "goodnight, little one" nick kissed the top of char's forehead, and laid back, onto a pillow, falling asleep.

age regression - nick & charlie (heartstopper)Where stories live. Discover now