Chapter 4

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(So to give a heads up I'll be doing a little skipping since I'm so far behind in writing and I really don't want to copy exactly from the anime.)

Narrator's P.O.V
Pirate Island Fullalead, New World

The entire island was swarming with the pirates that sail under BlackBeard, all of them were chasing and hunting Koby who ran carrying a cannon ball in his hands with a chain that lead to his ankle. On the bounty for Koby was five stars which meant the price on his head was high and it made all the pirates excited.

The island was controlled by a high rank of Blackbeard's that merged with the rock on the island and he was relaying the information where he felt someone running. Koby was running and panting he had escaped the jail hours before and now he was trying to find a way to get off the island all together.

Alvaro Pizzaro, The Corrupt King who ate the Isle-Isle fruit and was an Island man laid merged in to the wood in the building where on his left side stood Shirtu of the Rain who had eaten the Clear-Clear fruit and was the Invisible Man. Many pirates talked and many had eaten devil fruits and were all helping to trace or track down Koby who was the prisoner of their captain.

As Koby ran he thought back to when he was first captured by BlackBeard he was kneeling on the floor and all high ranks including the former Ice Admiral was there. Koby learnt that BlackBeard wanted to make Pirate Island into its own country. One that would be a member of the World Government, the name would be BlackBeard Kingdom. Koby brought it up ticked that the island wouldn't be allowed to exist since it would all be criminals running it.

When BlackBeard brought it up that Koby was a bargaining chip it was then that Koby said he was a part of Sword. So what Sword is...that he is Navy but at the same time Koby wasn't Navy which meant that he was useless as a bargaining chip.

The best way to explain SWORD as sailors who have already submitted their resignations. It means they can choose to fight the four emperors if they want, without needing permission from above. They can also ignore any and all orders they choose. They're wild-card commandos. In exchange, the navy assumes no responsibility for their actions, and can cut them loose at any moment.

After wards Koby had been chained up and thrown in a cell until Perona showed up and helped Koby to escape his cell. As he ran the pirates were giving chase until a ship showed up in the sky and a familiar figure jumped and covered his fist in haki as he landed creating a huge crater in the ground...this man was none other then the Marine Hero Garp.

As Garp landed he was confronted by Kuzan who had years ago trained under him, and through out the town other members of SWORD were showing up and starting to fight back against the pirates. Another member that was with you save his friend since the day they entered the marines properly together was Helmeppo. Many came to save Koby and they were going to do everything in their power to make it happen. Kuzan froze one member of the team before a flash back happened that showed the day Teach brought Kuzan into his crew.

It was revealed that Kuzan was the captain of the Tenth Ship under Teach's command and he squared off with Garp as they both started fighting and Kuzan used his ice to try and finish the fight quickly.


Winner Island, New World...The Polar Tang, Submarine of the Heart Pirates has been sunk. Law laid on the ground gravely wounded and not far from him also wounded was Bepo who remembered the pill that would unleash his full beast mode without needing a moon.

He managed to eat the pill without anyone seeing and before Teach could even touch Law...Bepo went into beast mode attacking Teach and his few crew members getting them away from Law who was defeated by Teach. Law had tried to tell Bepo to go home and Bepo being loyal refused as he tried to save his captain then went to save his crew mates.

The world was at war with itself...Vivi's father had gone back through their family history and found out that there was indeed a Queen at one point with the middle initial of D in it. He had gone to talk to the Elders and found out that the throne that no one should be sitting in was indeed filled by someone.

"So I won't be leaving alive." Cobra knew his daughter would find a way to get away and hopefully reach out to get help for he knew that not even Cipher Pole could be trusted. When the elders went to kill him it was Sabo that had tried to save him but Cobra had used himself to shield Sabo. "R-run!"

Sabo had managed to escape the island as well after aiding Bonney off the island and to safety, he stowed away on another ship to an island that he didn't know that would soon be destroyed on orders of the one who sat on a throne that no one should be in. He would be framed by the Government for the death of King Cobra and the disappearance of Princess Vivi.

People rallied...the new generation of pirates had indeed changed the it was only a matter of time to see when things would begin to come together. The Straw Hats going to Egg Island was the final straw that the Government hadn't see coming and much of the Navy was rallied together to attack the island.

Luna's P.O.V
While Luffy and Lucci had dealt with S-Bear after Zoro and Kaku dealt with S-Hawk...Luffy had motioned for me to go give aid to Shaka but when I arrived on scene I stayed hidden and quiet. I sneered when I saw York had shot Shaka in the head and was now threatening the Doctor.

I flash stepped behind her and my blade was to her throat and digging in on her jugular a little, just enough to make her bleed. "The fact you became so greedy on your want to become a so called Celestial killed one of your own; now York you will answer for your treason."

"Heh there is...EEK!!" I had pinned her and used my conquerors haki to knock York before I moved to free the doctor first.

"Are you alright sir?"

"Oh Luna...I'm alright." He looked sadly to Shaka. "I should have known, can you also free these agents so that they don't die here."

"I release them now and we'll have a bigger problem on our hands. I'm sorry sir I'm a pirate first and right now your safety is top priority." I saw the look on his face and sighed softly. I swung Hell Dancer and all the locks were cuts and the doors opened freeing the agents. "You tell anyone out there and I'll hunt you all down and silence you once and for all am I clear." My tone cold and let my haki been known enough to scare the agents before she escorted the Doctor and she smiled when she saw that all my friends had won.

Egghead went to check the monitors as I had walked to Lucci. "Come help me? Please."

Lucci looked curious and nodded his head as he followed me to where the agents had been locked up and I grabbed a couple pieces of zip-tie I carried before cuffing York's wrists together. Lucci grabbed and carried York back for me so we had a slight advantage over the Navy.

"Smart thinking but they should have an elder with them love." Lucci spoke as he put York on the ground before I made him sit and let Chopper tend to his wounds as I stood and felt him lean back against my legs and I held his hat with one hand and gently ran my fingers through his hair.

Nami looked shocked seeing the calmness and trust between myself and Lucci and she shook her head. "I'll never get use to seeing the both of you like this."

Lucci chuckled softly as he relaxed. "Shanks and his crew couldn't believe it either, she's the only one who dared come around me when I was hurt or in a mood. Usually with a smack upside the head."

Luffy snickered as I smiled softly for a few minutes we could all rest and wait for York to wake up. When she did I smirked having an idea and walked over grabbing York's tele-snail and kneeled by her as myself and Zoro kept her pinned and in fear while Bonney, Luffy and a few others ate.

"Well York this is how things are going to go...we know that there is a fleet surrounding this island. And no doubt there is an Elder on one of those're going to call them and then shut your mouth while the adults talk."

"Why would..." York went to question and shook as my blade was at her throat in a second and she shook pale.

"You would do well to remember who I am, and my position in this crew. Now call them." I spoke firmly and motioned for the rest to remain quiet as York called.

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