Chapter 6: The Three Troublemakers

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When out strolling through the cloud recesses Lan Xichen spotted three rather triumphant looking men. One he instantly recognized as Nie Mingjue's younger brother Huaisang. Seeing the younger man who usually kept to himself being out with friends put Lan Xichen's mind at ease.

What put him less at ease was the man walking backwards, caring little for the safety of himself and others. It was the notorious Wei Wuxian. He should be getting punished for such an action but Lan Xichen didn't have the heart to make him sit through a third punishment on the same day. There would likely be other times.

That left only the third man unidentified. But judging by his companions and the purple band adorning his hair it was young master Jiang. Although the most well-mannered of the bunch, there was still a slight skip in his step as he tried to keep an even pace with his friends. On his face was a most blindingly bright smile, probably meant for no one in particular. But that didn't mean Lan Xichen wasn't going to appreciate it.

The men were talking too loudly, not enough to be in violation of the rules, but enough for Lan Xichen to overhear them. They were discussing things they probably didn't want him knowing of.

"You little rascal, leaving me to fend for myself." Jiang Wanyin playfully ruffled the hair of Huaisang.

"I did not. How do you think Wei Wuxian knew to bail you out?" he defended himself.

"I suppose it ended well. Though you really shouldn't act so shamelessly to get out of trouble." The Jiang accusingly pointed at his brother.

"Why not? It worked out wonderfully, didn't it? Lans are such prudes, they really do make it too easy."

"Says the man who's already gotten caught twice" Jiang Wanyin said in an attempt to take him down a peg.

Lan Xichen stepped forward into sight, 'accidentally' bumping into the trio.

"Zewu-jun" Nie Huaisang exclaimed, guilt clearly showing on his face before he bowed deeply. The other two followed suit and greeted the older Lan. But unlike the first disciple, these two were capable of keeping a straight face.

"Young master Nie, I'm assuming you're not getting yourself into trouble?"

"N-no, of course not" he shook his head. A bit too much for it to be believable but Lan Xichen pretended not to notice.

"That's good. Your brother has faith in you to pass this year. Getting in trouble would hardly help." He lectured the teen. Huaisang had been studying at the cloud recesses the year before as well, his results being less than satisfactory.

"Don't worry Zewu-jun. I'll be here to ensure he passes this time" Wei Wuxian said with a smile, throwing his arm around the Nie's shoulders. Behind him Jiang Wanyin rolled his eyes, confirming what Lan Xichen had already known. Wei Wuxian wasn't a very good student either. Talented perhaps, but not capable of helping with the Nie's studies... nor capable of keeping him out of trouble.

"Then I'll put my trust in you young master Wei, please take good care of Huaisang." When lifting his head from the bow he met the eyes of the Jiang. I'll put my trust in you to look after these two, he thought and smiled.

Young master Jiang had seemingly caught the message as he gave Lan Xichen a light nod in return.

"Speaking of trouble, I heard from my brother what happened during your punishment, young master Wei." His brother had not spoken about it, but Lan Xichen was not about to reveal his rather bad habit of eavesdropping. "Please go easy on him"

"Me? He's the one who should be going easy on me" Wei Wuxian said with dramatic indignation. This made Lan Xichen's previous assumption into a certainty. His brother and uncle would spend the next six months in a living hell. Perhaps he should stock up on sweets to offer them when they come by to blow off steam.

"All you have to do for Lan Wangji to go easy on you is to not get into trouble." Lan Xichen knew he asked a lot from them. Especially after having overheard their previous conversation. "Well then, I shall be on my way" the trio bowed once more as he turned to leave.

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