Chapter 27: Waking Up

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The first thing Jiang Cheng was met with as he woke up was the sound of birdsong. Opening his eyes he was met by his handsome husband's sleeping face. Breathing in, Jiang Cheng confirmed that there was no longer any white substance threatening to choke him to death. It had all been a nightmare. This wasn't a dream, this was reality. But reality wasn't any less painful.

His entire body ached, especially his leg. Which brought him back. The handsome face in front of him was not that of his cultivation partner, it belonged to Lan Xichen, the man who had been avoiding him like the plague for the past week. What had happened for them to end up like this?

Last thing Jiang Cheng could remember was being stuck in a cave somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Had his brother finally saved him? But if that was the case, why was he here? At first he considered if this was some sort of elaborate prank. Had Huaisang been convinced by Wei Wuxian to help out to break into Lan Xichen's house to place him in his bed?

It didn't seem plausible for them to be able to carry out such a plan, though Jiang Cheng wouldn't doubt that his brother could've come up with such an idea. But if that was the case, Lan Xichen wouldn't look so unkempt. Not that Jiang Cheng liked this look any less. Lan Xichen was always looking perfect, not a single thing out of place. So to see his hair disheveled and his robes dirty was different, and special.

It was only when looking closer that Jiang Cheng noticed that the Lan wasn't actually in bed with him, rather he was leaning over sitting on a chair. His head resting on one of the pillows. He must've fallen asleep looking out of him.

Reaching over Jiang Cheng wanted to make sure that Lan Huan wasn't just some fever-induced hallucination, but he quickly recoiled his hand. His fingers burned, like when he too hastily tried to eat Yanli's homemade soup. Lan Xichen was burning, but unlike the soup he couldn't cool this man off by blowing on him.

Still feeling like trash, Jiang Cheng got up. His leg had been properly bandaged and supported. He still wasn't able to stand on it but limping he was able to get around without too much trouble. Wrapping one of Lan Xichen's arms around his back he heaved the man onto the bed. A sick person should be resting properly.

From the looks of it Lan Huan had been taking good care of him. Why he was willing to do so could wait until later. Right now Jiang Cheng wanted to return the favor. On the bed laid a towel which had fallen off of his forehead as he had gotten up. Grabbing it, Jiang Cheng decided to go look for water to cool it down before giving it back to Lan Xichen.

But in the room adjacent to Lan Huan's bedroom was the last person Jiang Cheng wanted to see right now. He froze, staring wide-eyed at the back of Lan Qiren, perhaps he hadn't noticed him yet. It wouldn't be good if he was caught leaving Lan Huan's bedroom. Taking small steps towards the front door, he knew it was all over.

All Lans had exceptional hearing, Lan Qiren was no exception to this rule. And with an injured leg, Jiang Cheng's sneaking abilities were greatly impaired.

"You're finally up?" The elder Lan turned his head. Jiang Cheng bolted for the door, ignoring the pain shooting up through his leg. He could hear Lan Qiren swear at him from behind. Pushing himself a little more he managed to get outside, surprised that the Lan hadn't caught up to him yet.

In all of his misfortune there was a small drop of luck, he couldn't have picked a better time to get out. For, outside there were two white-clad men on their way to class. Seeing the Jiang's frantic rush they gave each other a short look before rushing over. One arm over Huaisang's shoulder and the other around his brother, the two lifted him up.

"We need to hide" Jiang Cheng said, they were much faster than Jiang Cheng was before but they would still be slower than Lan Qiren. Running around the corner of the building they kept running until they found a barrel in which they shoved the Jiang down into. The barrel was cramped and pitch black. The stench of this place was horrendous, Jiang Cheng didn't even want to know for what purpose it was being used.

"Where is he?" a voice shouted not long after Huaisang had put the lid back on the barrel.

"Who?" Jiang Cheng could practically hear the grin on his brother's face.

"Stop playing around or else the two of you will receive five lashings" Lan Qiren wasn't in the mood.

"Fine, he went to hide in our room" Not believing a single word the teen said, the Lan stomped away in the opposite direction of where Wei Wuxian had told him to go. Once the footsteps could no longer be heard, Jiang Cheng climbed out of the barrel with the help of Huaisang.

"Congratulations" his friends said with a smile. Jiang Cheng raised him a confused eyebrow. "Those are Zewu-jun's robes aren't they?"

"Quit it. This is just because I was sick. None of this would've happened if you two had just found me in time." Jiang Cheng said annoyed at being left out in the cold for so long.

"Exactly, you're welcome" Wei Wuxian said. " None of this would've happened if it weren't for me. I even lied to get you to stay there longer, you definitely owe me one brother"

"Fine" Waking up to see Lan Huan first thing in the morning had been really nice. The image of his sleeping face would forever be etched into his memory.

"Got you" A hand gripped his wrist hard. Lan Qiren hadn't actually walked away. Knowing Wei Wuxian would lie he had waited for the two of them to lead him to the Jiang. But he had found the man far faster than he had expected. Getting dragged away Jiang Cheng had to focus all of his attention on his legs so as to not fall over or injure himself further.

"Huaisang, go get Lan Zhan. Tell him it's an emergency" Wei Wuxian hurriedly said before running up to them and supporting his brother by allowing him to lean on him.

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