Chapter 1: Guest Cultivators at Gusu

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In order to promote good practices and education of young cultivators the Lan clan of Gusu had invited people from all major sects to be guest cultivators at Gusu for half a year. Two of the people from the renowned Jiang clan who were going to attend were Jiang Cheng and his troublesome elder brother Wei Wuxian. As they were about to leave Lotus Pier their caring elder sister Jiang Yanli had told them to take care of each other and to not fight. Jiang Cheng had of course agreed, anything for Yanli, he had even promised to keep his brother out of trouble. But as they got closer to Gusu and the sun started to set Jiang Cheng's worry grew. After all, his brother was rather... unruly, in contrast to the well-disciplined Lans.

The Lans were known for their grace, their righteousness, and their many many rules. A pit was starting to form in Jiang Cheng's stomach as he thought about how his brother was surely going to set a new record in most rules broken by a single person. So far Wei Wuxian had heard of the many rules of Gusu, but didn't know most of them. Jiang Cheng was unsure of whether this was an advantage or a disadvantage. After all, if he knew them he might start treating it as a to-do list rather than something he should avoid.

"Why so worried? You're going to do fine" his brother said reassuringly when noticing the anxious look on Jiang Cheng's face.

"It's not me I'm worried about"

"You couldn't possibly be talking about me. I am more than talented enough" Wei Wuxian responded, avoiding the actual issue. But Wei Wuxian's superior skills had always been a sore spot for Jiang Cheng and so the mention of it, even though it was just in passing, got him to snap.

"You're saying I'm not?" Catching the clear agitation in his brother's voice Wei Ying reassured him once more.

"Of course not. I'm saying we're both plenty talented, so there's nothing for you to worry about" Wei Wuxian said casually patting Jiang Cheng's back twice before his pace sped up as he went on ahead. They were almost at the entrance of the cloud recesses and Wei Wuxian was ecstatic about having a whole new place to explore. But when they arrived they got stopped at the entrance.

"Invitation?" The guard asked.

"Sure" Wei Wuxian smiled and started patting his pockets. Jiang Cheng regretted letting Wei Wuxian be in charge of the piece of paper. Or rather than letting him be in charge his brother had taken it from him saying he wanted to look at it. As always Wei Wuxian had quickly gotten distracted and as such had forgotten to hand it back.

"Wei Wuxian" Jiang Cheng said sternly, not wanting to believe his brother had somehow managed to lose their invitation.

"Can't you just let us in anyways? You already know who we are, a piece of paper isn't necessary, right buddy?" Wei Wuxian tried putting his arm around the shoulders of the guard, who swiftly sidestepped.

"No invitation, no entrance. " A monotone voice stated. There was someone else who had arrived at the same time as them. Turning around to face the speaker, Jiang Cheng identified the white robed man as Lan Wangji, the second young master of the Lans. This truly was a great first impression wasn't it? But if anyone had the authority to help them out it was him.

"Greetings second young master Lan. It seems my elder brother, Wei Wuxian, has misplaced our invitation. Would it be possible to make a small exception as it's getting late?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"No invitation... no entry" Lan Wangji repeated as he continued to walk, ignoring them.

How could he be so cold? Jiang Cheng wondered. Surely he knew who they were, it was impossible to miss the characteristic violet robes they were wearing. There was also no doubt in Jiang Cheng's mind that he knew that they were invited, they were from one of the five major sects. In what world would the Jiangs not be invited?

Wei Wuxian must have thought the same thing because as Lan Wangji tried to pass he stepped out in front of him blocking his path. Lan Wangji stopped but refused to look him in the eyes.

"Please, won't you make a small exception for us? I'll make it worth your while." Wei Wuxian winked. Lan Wangji didn't even offer a response and blankly stared ahead. After a few more pleads, all ending in the same result Wei Wuxian stepped aside to let Lan Wangji pass. Making a grimace directed at the man's back his brother got out his frustration out.

"I must have left it back at the inn in Gusu" Wei Wuxain told Jiang Cheng apologetically. "Take care of the others and I'll be right back" Wei Wuxian smiled at Jiang Cheng and started to trek back down the mountain, skipping as he went. In times like this he really wished he could let things go as fast as his brother.

Walking around the group of tired out cultivators Jiang Cheng delegated people to start a fire and to prepare the food they had brought along with them. They didn't know how long Wei Wuxian was going to take, but judging by their ascent it would be at least a couple of hours. But before they could light the pile of sticks they had arranged in a small pile another Lan disciple appeared and whispered something to the guard.

"Jiang disciples, on behalf of the Lan sect I would like to welcome you to the cloud recesses." Finally, they were being let inside. Jiang Cheng was still perturbed by the incident happening in the first place but seeing the relieved faces of his peers he knew that he shouldn't complain. And so they entered the cloud recesses. There was no way of contacting Wei Wuxian but Jiang Cheng trusted that his brother would turn up sooner or later.

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