Chapter 17: Skittery Huaisang

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It wasn't even six o'clock yet when Nie Huaisang came rushing into the Jiang brothers' bedroom. Given that they were forced to wake up at the same time as the Lan's, the two were already awake. Barely. Yesterday's punishment had certainly done a deal on them, making it even less appealing to get up on time.

"Wei Wuxian!" he seemed rather animated for it being so early, his energy level usually matching that of his friends'. But there was no response. Though his eyes were open, Wei Wuxian might as well have been a fierce corpse. There was no soul present in his body.

Lowering his head Nie Huaisang whispered something in his ear. It must have been something very important because as soon as he did Wei Wuxian was fully awake and up on his feet as he rushed out the door. He didn't even say goodbye.

"What's going on?" Jiang Cheng asked. Watching as his brother disappeared from view.

"Aah..." Huaisang seemed rather reluctant to tell him.

"It has to do with Wangji, doesn't it? You really shouldn't encourage him" Jiang Cheng chided him. Wei Wuxian got into enough trouble on his own, Nie Huaisang really shouldn't help him out. Huaisang was fiddling with the fan in his hand, it wasn't the white one he usually carried around. The one Zewu-jun had given him.

"You've completed it?" Jiang Cheng asked, pointing at the fan.

"Yeah, isn't it pretty?" Huaisang unfolded the fan to show an incredibly accurate picture of Gusu. The pattern was similar to the one he had drawn a couple of weeks ago, but the man had clearly put much more work into it since then.

"Where do you find the time to do this?" Jiang Cheng was amazed, but he had also seen Huaisang's grades. The time was definitely taken out of the time he was supposed to spend studying. Still, it was a really pretty piece of craftsmanship.

"I think it's time to go now" Huaisang said abruptly.

"To class? Shouldn't we wait for brother to come back first?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"He's probably not coming back..." Really now? Guess that was to be expected.

"Alright, let's go find him then" Jiang Cheng said as he stood up. If left to his own devices Wei Wuxian wouldn't make it to class on time. Might forget to turn up at all.

"I- I... I think we should.. n't" Huaisang was acting really suspicious. Jiang Cheng had thought something was off already back when he had arrived but hadn't commented on it. Though he squirmed under Jiang Cheng's searching gaze he remained peculiarly silent, not willing to let him in on what was going on.

"Sure" Jiang Cheng gave in. If Huaisang was able to stand the Jiang's glare then whatever it is he's hiding must mean a lot to him. Maybe he should just go along with it. Wei Wuxian was old enough to deal with the consequences of his own actions. "Let's go to class"

Even after several weeks of walking the longer route to class Huaisang had still been complaining every single day. But not today. Perhaps he had finally gotten used to it. Or perhaps there was something else occupying his mind as he flipped his fan open and closed over and over.

"Is everything alright Huaisang?" Jiang Cheng asked, concerned for his skittery friend. Spotting something behind Jiang Cheng, his friend spoke.

"Oh, I just remembered. I forgot to walk my dog. Be right back" Huaisang didn't own a dog. What was going on for him to not even bother coming up with a reasonable excuse. Jiang Cheng had seen Huaisang lie before. He might lack the pokerface to pull it off but his words were usually spot on. This time though it wasn't even close to believable. But before he could ask about it, Huaisang was already out of sight.

Thinking whatever Huaisang had seen might be a clue he turned around. A white-clad man locked eyes with him. Huaisang must have picked up on Wei Wuxian's scheming behavior and had intended on leaving the two of them alone.

"Young master Jiang. Nie Huaisang seemed rather in a hurry to avoid me, anything I should be aware of?" he asked seemingly wanting to make sure his friend's brother didn't get into trouble.

"Zewu-jun" Jiang Cheng bowed without taking his eyes off of the Lan. He looked as pristine as ever. "He was going to walk his dog" Jiang Cheng repeated the poorly constructed lie. It wasn't like his mind had the capacity to come up with anything more clever whilst Lan Huan's eyes were on him.

Lan Huan

Even just thinking it made Jiang Cheng feel hotter. It was just two words and still they held so much power. It was Lan Xichen's given name. A precious name only to be spoken by a very select few. But just because he wasn't allowed to say it didn't mean he couldn't think it.

Lan Huan

"Young master Jiang?" Lan Xichen calling out to him brought him back.

"Yes?" Jiang Cheng could feel Lan Huan's golden eyes trail over his face as he was trying to figure out what was going on in his mind. Their presence set Jiang Cheng's heart ablaze. Lan Huan was looking at him and only him.

"As I was saying. I apologize if I upset you yesterday" Huh? Had Lan Huan done anything to upset him? It wasn't like they hadn't deserved the punishment they had gotten. He had been whipped for far less in the past. It barely even hurt he told himself, knowing full well it wasn't true.

"Don't worry about it" Jiang Cheng patted his shoulder. It felt really out of place, awkward. This wasn't how they usually interacted, always staying a good few feet apart at all times. Still, Jiang Cheng really wanted to touch him. Couldn't help himself. And so he played it off as everything being normal.

"No, I really shouldn't have confiscated your letter. Here" Lan Xichen held out a neatly folded piece of paper. He had it with him? Had he read it? Was this his way of rejecting him? Wei Wuxian hadn't been wrong when he said that the last line sounded like a confession.

I'm sorry I mistook you for a woman. As a man I suppose it was just wishful thinking, for that would give me a chance to make you to be mine.

Jiang Cheng blushed. There had been no other men there except for his brother and Huaisang. Two people he certainly wouldn't have mistaken for women. That left no ambiguity regarding who the letter was referring to. He must know.

"Oh, I-... uhm" Jiang Cheng wanted to fix it but didn't know how. It's not like he could take back his feelings.

"Don't worry, I haven't read it" Lan Xichen said as he saw him stammering like an idiot. Jiang Cheng felt both relieved and somewhat let down by this fact. But at least he wasn't getting rejected right now. He took the paper, intentionally letting his hand graze Lan Huan's as he did.

"Thank you"

"She must be an impressive woman to have caught the heart of young master Jiang" His voice although being the same light tone as always sounded off somehow. But before Jiang Cheng could ask about it a furious Lan Qiren came rushing towards the two of them.

A dark glare landed on Jiang Cheng. Seemingly wanting to disintegrate him using his eyes alone. What had his brother done this time? Perhaps they shouldn't have left him to his own devices after all. You'd think a seventeen year old would be mature enough to be left alone without supervision, but he wasn't.

Lan Qiren huffed and puffed. Not wanting to become the target of his anger Jiang Cheng excused himself and headed off to class. Throwing a glance over his shoulder as he left he caught Lan Qiren sending the same glare at Lan Huan. Wei Wuxian's actions must have been really bad for him to treat one of his favorite disciples in this way and so Jiang Cheng quickened his steps.

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