Chapter 7: Boy Talk

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Later that night the three of them sat around in Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng's room playing cards. Wei Wuxian reached over Nie Huaisang to grab a handful of lotus seeds. Huaisang had made a conscious decision to place the bag on his left so as to not allow the greedy Wei to steal his snacks. But this had not stopped him.

"Hey, not fair. Those are mine!" he wailed.

"Not anymore they aren't" Wei Wuxian said as he let the entire handful fall all over his face. A few accidentally landed up in his open mouth, but most of them ended up falling on the floor. In response to losing so many of his seeds Nie Huaisang made an upset I told you so face aimed at Jiang Cheng.

Not that Jiang Cheng hadn't believed him, but it wasn't like they could sit around and do nothing as his brother kept getting himself into trouble. Jiang Cheng reached into his stuff and took out the additional bag he had bought just for Huaisang. A reward for trying to keep Wei Wuxian away from the snacks.

Nie Huaisang's face lit up at the sight, all was forgiven. Seeing the additional bag Wei Wuxian stole the Nie's previous bag. Which was nearly empty due to his previous stunt. Jiang Cheng placed another card on the table.

"So how did your punishment go?" Nie Huaisang asked Wei Wuxian who was staring intently at his cards, contemplating his next move. If they were going to be discussing this Jiang Cheng would need a drink and so opened his second jar of emperor's smile.

"Same as yesterday, Lan Zhan is being so cold. I thought we became friends yesterday but apparently not" Wei Wuxian said as he played a card.

"You? Friends with Lan Wangji? In your dreams" Jiang Cheng said in between swigs. "The man can't stand you"

Wei Wuxian gasped.

"I can make friends with any man or woman. Just watch me. Before we return to Yunmeng, me and Lan Zhan will be the bestest of friends, whether he wants to or not." Meaning he would keep annoying Lan Wangji until he gave in. That tactic might work on the women back in Yunmeng, but Lan Wangji? It sure as hell wouldn't work.

"Jiang Wanyin's not totally wrong though." Nie Huaisang agreed. "He seems pretty mad at you"

"Then I'll just have to bring out more of my charms" Wei Wuxian smiled as he placed his final card, claiming the victory of the game.

"Huaisang?" he said as he expectantly held his hand open. The Nie sighed as he handed over the prize, a magazine. Jiang Cheng scooted closer as Wei Wuxian opened it up to flip through the pages.

"The best one is on page fourteen" Huaisang said. On the page indicated they were met by a young woman dressed in a rather short dress, but unlike the other ones this one was still fully covered. Wei Wuxian eyed him suspiciously

"Huaisang, for someone with such a large collection... your tastes are rather... hmm... tame." Jiang Cheng agreed with his brother, having believed the Nie's tastes to be far more risqué. "What's your type Huaisang?"

"My type?" The question seemed genuine, perhaps the Nie had had a tad bit too much to drink. His tolerance was not as high as the two brothers. Jiang Cheng himself barely felt tipsy despite almost having finished all of his booze.

"Yeah, what kind of wife do you want? Personally I want someone stunningly good-looking, who knows what they're doing" Wei Wuxian winked suggestively at Huaisang earning him a blush.

"U-uuh" The Nie looked down as he considered the question for a minute. "I suppose I would like someone I could rely on, someone capable of supporting me"

"Are you looking for a wife, or are you looking to become a wife?" Wei Wuxian laughed. Which made Nie Huaisang blush even more.

"I won't be anyone's wife" he said, hiding his face, clearly upset by the implication. A man shouldn't be called such a thing.

"Yeah, yeah" Wei Wuxian patted his shoulder to calm the Nie. Looking for a way to steer the conversation elsewhere he focused on Jiang Cheng who had stayed rather silent so far.

"What about you, brother?" It wasn't like he didn't know but it didn't hurt to check if something had changed.

"I want someone who is naturally beautiful, graceful and obedient, hard-working and thrifty. She must come from a respected family, cultivation level not too high, personality not too strong, not too talkative, and voice not too loud" Jiang Cheng's tastes hadn't changed, they were just as demanding as ever.

"You could've just said you aren't interested in getting a wife. Your brother won't judge you for staying single" Wei Wuxian gave his brother a pat on the back, having now upset both of his companions. Raising the jar he was holding to his lips, Wei Ying realized he was out of alcohol. Looking around he noticed that the same was true for both Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang. He couldn't leech any from them.

"I'm going out for more" He said, raising the hand holding the jar.

"Don't get caught. You've gotten in enough trouble as is" Jiang Cheng warned his brother, knowing it was pointless. His words had gone in one ear and out the other.

"Sure, sure. I'll be careful" And with that he left.

"Jiang Cheng" Nie Huaisang said, getting the Jiang's attention. "Do you think we have to worry about how much he focuses on Lan Wangji?"

"What? No. It's always like this. He'll move on as soon as he finds someone more fun to play with. We just need to keep him out of trouble until he tires out"

"Okay, if you say so, I guess it's fine" Nie Huaisang made an attempt to nod. His head would've hit the table if it weren't for Jiang Cheng catching him. Feeling concerned about Huaisang's ability to get back to his own room Jiang Cheng offered him Wei Wuxian's bed. The celebration had been Wei Wuxian's idea so he could very well sleep on the floor as a result of it. But that never happened as Wei Wuxian did not return that night.

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