Chapter 108: Generosity of the King

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I do not own One Piece

Trigger Warning!
Abusive Family, Mental Abuse, Starvation, Physical Abuse


I didn't have the energy to even attempt to put up a fight when they came for me. I'm not sure how long we've been sailing for, the time has felt endless. After two weeks I lost track of the time, as I haven't been allowed to see the sun or any representation of time.

Kitiars had made sure I wore new clothes. Through the style was similar, the material this time was silk. The robes were white, but she has also added a royal purple sash that was draped over my chest and rested over my shoulder.

The woman even went as far as to brush my hair, while insulting the color and texture all the while. She didn't style it. Instead all she did was place a bronze band around my head.

If I was starving and if I didn't have the sea prism lock around my neck, I wondered if perhaps I might look like a royal. Instead, I looked more as a fancy prisoner.

After just a moment of the thought I nearly laughed. I couldn't ever pull off the royal look. Sanji or Nami would be the best to pull off such a look. Never me.

"She's too weak to stand." One of the guards complained, a bruising grip on my arm.

Kitiara clicked her tongue as she jabbed me in the back. "Stand up, Mitsu. If you wish to eat tonight you'll do well to remember your etiquette." With another jab, I willed any strength in my to stand with that perfect posture she was going on about all the time.

After a spell of dizziness passed, I attempted to get a look around me. We weren't on a ship anymore, I wondered when we had gotten off of the ship as I felt as if I was still swaying. Much to my disappointment, we also weren't at the docks, nor anywhere outside. Rather, it looked as if we had gone through a secret tunnel, so I'm assuming this lead directly to the castle.

I had been so excited to see sunlight.

Kitiara stopped me from looking around as she grasped my chin, digging in her nails, and turned my head to look at her. "Well, you aren't the prettiest thing." She sighed, making my heart drop before I attempted to steal my thoughts. "At least you're clean. I'm sure Princess Ayami will pay a handsome some to find you a suitor to take you. Surely with a large amount of money someone would want you."

I let out a slow breath, biting down on my tongue. I didn't need anyone to pay anyone else to want me. I was find by myself. Also, my crew wanted me. Arisu had wanted me.

They didn't need to be paid.

"Come on, Mitsu. It's time to meet your Grandfather and Aunt." Kitiara turned around, jerking my face for a moment before letting go. "Oh, and Sato will be there as well I believe."


When I walked through the gold platted designed doors, the first thing my eyes landed on was the red haired kneeling figure. My brother. If it wasn't for the guards behind me pushing me forward I don't think I would have been able to move.

Sato was always so strong looking. Even when we were children, he may have always been more gentle than me, but I never truly thought of him as weak. Then when we were reunited, he had become a pillar of strength. He had gotten rid of all his weaknesses, he couldn't fall.

He was wearing similar robes as me, but his was covered in filth and grime, and there was no purple present on him. Like me, he looked as if he has been starved. There was no amount of fat or muscle left on his body, instead he was literally skin and bone. Dark circles had formed under the eyes that used to sparkle with life. His long hair, the same shade of crimson as mine, had been chopped off. Even his typically sun-kissed skin was pale and ashy, marked with cuts and bruises.

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