Chapter 5: What Needs To Be Done

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I don't own One Piece
3RD Person

Katsu had, once again, left the bar. Typically Mamoru would have been angry, but as the bar was only filled with the Strawhats he settled. The normally stern and grumpy man was smirking in amusement at the captain.

Something about the boy gave him a breath of fresh air, just like his captain had. Not to mention, his crew was a lively one.

Luffy looked at the clock, "I should be finding Katsu soon."

Mamoru had noticed how committed Luffy was at asking Katsu to join his crew. "Luffy," Mamoru muttered, catching the crews attention. "I really would appreciate it if you did take Katsu with you. She wants to get off this island and pursue her own dreams. I think she just stays because she's worried about this place."

He paused, a fond smile growing in his face. It was the first time the Strawhats had seen such a genuine smile on his face, as Mamoru typically frowned. "But, with your crew... I've never seen her so happy. Chopper has been the first doctor to help her other than Jiro. She won't let any other Doctor near her injuries. I really don't think she'll get another chance like this again. And if she is to go with a pirate crew, I think she should go with you."

Luffy grinned with a laugh. "Well that's great what you said and all, but I've already decided. She's going to be in my crew, as our artist! She kinda reminds me of a friend I had as a kid."

Nani and Robin smiled, "It wouldn't be bad to have another girl on the ship." Sanji swooned at the the thought of another female joining the crew.

Mamoru smiled as the crew was all for taking in Katsu. She was a handful at times, but he assumed their Captain was as well. Handling Katsu wouldn't be too hard for them. "I guess I should tell you where Katsu is." Hearing the news, the Pirates made a decision to go together for the Crimson haired girl.

Though, convincing Yumi to let go of Katsu may end with Mamoru losing another eye. That woman was far more protective of Katsu than anyone on this island. Which said a lot, as the whole island felt as though they had helped raise her.


The dock was as lively as ever, with pirates setting sake and just docking. Katsu paid them no mind as she sat on the ground in front of the Strawhats ship. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail as her pencil moved across a page of paper.

Since they were leaving tomorrow, she wanted every detail of their ship. She was going to add in the crew later, but right now her attention was focused on the craftsmanship of Frankie.

Passing by pirates gave her weird looks, but ended up ignoring her as she did the same.

"There," She muttered, finishing rubbing her finger on the paper to get the right shading. "The Thousand Sunny." A warm smile filled her face as she whispered the name of the ship.

She paused, a small smile on her face. "I'm going to miss those idiots, but Mamoru can't handle this place without me. Between the bar and keeping everyone in check..." She wasn't even going to think of Yumi. It would break her heart if Katsu actually managed to leave. That's the real reason she had yet to accept any offer given to her from any pirate.

Even when one of Whitebeards crew members had asked her to join, she refused. There were times she regretted letting go of such an offer. However, she had a feeling that would not compare to the regret she was going to feel of letting go of this offer.

"You did a SUPER job on the details." Looking behind her, Katsu took notice of the Strawhats. It had been Frankie that spoke.

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