Chapter 29: An Old Friend (Part 2)

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I don't own One Piece


"Keep your head down, Katsu-ya." Law grumbled, pushing my head down as he pilled the hat lower on my head.

"Stop that." I growled, slapping his hand away and ticking in a few strands of crimson locks. "This hat isn't even cool. It looks stupid."

Law rolled his eyes as we approached the auction house. "I'm letting you use my hat to help hide you, don't insult it. Kid-ya is going to be there. I don't want a fight to break out because he sees you. Your bounty is new, so your face is fresh on everyone's mind. It'll drag more attention."

I puffed out my cheeks as he walked ahead towards his crew, who had already grabbed some seats. "Your face is more noticeable, since it's so ugly."

The captain paused to look back at me, a daring glare on his face. "What was that, Crimson Hurricane?"

"Shut up." I pushed him into the auction room. "I said nothing. Go sit with your crew."

Rather than follow after the doctor, I leaned again the wall by the door making sure to hide in the shadows. While I had been on Gol's island I had the chance to meet many pirates. Some that I formed some friendships with, surprisingly Law included in that group. Others wanted to kill me, like Kid, though I suspect he wants to kill everyone. Then a handful were indifferent to me, which I was fine with.

With that being said, it;s the only reason I didn't fight Law when he shoved his giant god awful black and white polka dot beanie on my head. I knew there was going to be quite a few pirates who would wanna at least fight me here. Plus with the Celestial Dragons here, I didn't want anymore eyes on me. I didn't doubt they would know of the bran on my arm.

The doors beside me busted open as more pirates filtered in. A frown pulled at my lips as I pushed myself further against the wall. Kid had entered.

"Hm?" He mused, a smile crossing his face as he looked at Law.  "There's a familiar face. North Blue's 200 Million bounty. Trafalgar Law." He took a few steps closer, passing me up much to my relief. "There's been some pretty bad rumors about you."

It took me a moment to remember that while Law had seen Kid's and mine fight, Kid had not noticed Law. Especially after Mamoru stepped in and quickly sent the Captain with his tail between his legs.

When Law didn't acknowledge Kid, he continued with a slight annoyed tone. "Your manners are lacking too."

Finally, Law turned around to acknowledge the Captain. Calmly, with a smile on his face, the doctor raised his hand with his middle finger raised to greet Kid. His smile didn't drop from his face, even when Kid frowned.

I pressed my lips together and looked away as laughter bubbled up in me. Steadying my breathing, I managed to keep silent.


The auction had started a while ago, and I had yet to see Camie. Though, now that I paused to think it over, I wasn't exactly sure how I would get her back. I definitely didn't have the money to just buy her, that thought alone was enough to knot my stomach. I could fight to get her, it would be difficult and if I'm by myself I know I won't win. If the monster trio from my crew were here I think it would be a different story.

The doors opened and in walked a few familiar figures. Standing up away from the wall, I blended into their little crowd and stood by the chairs with them.

"Nami-san, could we buy her as well?" Sanji asked loudly, looking at the female that was being auctioned.

"Sanji," I whispered, making my crew jump as they just noticed me. "Be quieter. We don't want to attract anymore attention."

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