Chapter 32: Memories (Part 2)

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I don't own One Piece
Age: 6

I never liked walking through town. They always glare at Sato and I as though we're filth. Mom tells us to ignore them, that it's not worth a fight. It always takes everything in me to ignore the glares, but I do. The only time I let loose is when Sato is insulted, and now Makoto as well.

I could feel my twin stiffen uncomfortably as another glare was directed towards us. Though like me, he didn't acknowledge them. Instead he inched just a little closer to me, which I responded to quickly by grabbing his hand and throwing a grin at him. Sato hated walking through town even more than I did.

As soon as we made it to the docks any discomfort was forgotten. We were here for a reason. The reason of course was an upcoming ship, with a familiar jolly roger. The ship visited twice a year, sometimes three times if we were lucky.

A large grin lit up my face as my heart leaped in excitement. He would be docking soon.

With whispering waves, came a cool breeze which welcomed us. It ruffled my white dress and blew my hair back. The strong salty air warmed me, but I wasn't thrilled with the faint fishy smell that lingered around the air.

Soon enough my grin dropped as I began tapping my foot against the wooden docks. "I hate the wait." I grumbled, growing anxious at the slowly creeping ship.

"Mitsu, he'll be docking soon. Just wait." Sato smiled, waiting calmly.

It wasn't another minute before I threw my hands out dramatically and groaned out another complaint. "This is taking forever! I'm done waiting!" I declared, bending down to unclasp my sandals.

"Mitsu," Sato frowned, watching me as I kicked off my shoes. He sighed, bending down to pick them up as I leaped for the ocean with a grin on my face.

The chill of the sea sent a shock through my body, though it didn't slow me down as I was used to it. I knew Sato wouldn't jump in, he didn't know how to swim yet. Mom taught me because the first time I saw Shanks come I threw myself into the ocean without a second thought and almost drowned. Mom was there with us, so she had saved me of course. It was after that she taught me to swim. Sato refused, apparently almost see me drown had a negative effect on him.

I'm assuming the pirates saw me dive, as they began lowering a ladder for me to climb. Salty sea water got into my mouth, making me gag as I spat it out and shaking my head in disgust. Breathing out of my nose roughly, I got all the water out as well.

Grabbing onto the ladder I climbed up the ship, a laughing shrill escaping me when hands swooped down and picked me up. Immediately, I was placed on the ship's deck, and a black cloak was draped around me.

Looking up I grinned at the red haired man, his straw hat securely on his head like always. "Uncle Shanks!" I giggled, throwing myself in his arms.

He let out a booming laugh as he wrapped his arms around me. "Nice to see you again, Mitsu!"

"Hey! Don't I get a hug too?" I pulled away from Shanks to see who had spoken. He had thrown his cigarette out and opened his arms. He knew of my strong sense of smell, though I would still smell it on him I liked that he tried.

Shanks stood up, lifting me with him, and turned away from Ben. He stuck out his tongue teasingly. "No. Get your own adorable niece!"

Ben chuckled, hitting Shanks on the head before he swiped me away from my uncle. Another giggle escaped me as I proceeded in hugging Ben, though my nose wrinkled in distaste in the cigarette smell that stuck to him.

"Now, why would I do that when I already have one right here?" He asked, grinning at a moping Shanks.

"Uncle Ben!" I cheered.

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