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I do not own one piece

3RD Person POV

The bar was crowded with people, more so than normal. Pirates laughed loudly, chugging down alcohol until their grinning faces turned pink. The owner stood behind the counter, annoyance playing at his face as he served another, already drunk, pirate.

His uncovered eye glared at everyone. As a former pirate, the rowdiness normally didn't bother him. It was clear he was wondering why he even entered the bar business. However, when the first drunk passed out on the ground he remembered.

The doors opened as another pirate crew walked in. Sunlight filled the bar before disappearing quickly as the door shut. This crew, strangely, only contained seven people. The person, who appeared to be the captain, grinned and took a seat at the bar in front of the owner.

The pirate had long dark brown hair, which he kept tied in a ponytail. His eyes weren't seen, as he kept his face low enough to shadow them. The owner recognized him almost immediately. After all, this man was as famous as Red-Haired Shanks. "Ah, Taro Kiyomizu. Strange, I wouldn't think a pirate such as yourself would visit this side of the sea."

Taro smirked, lifting his face for the bartender to see his shaded eyes. Much to his shock, Taro's eyes seemed to glow an emerald green. "Just a quick visit to the old pirate king's navigator. Shank's won't shut up about you, I had to meet you for myself."

The bartender smirked, placing a clean glass down. "I guess it's safe to assume you won't try anything on this island. Since you know I would have to knock down your pride a bit."

Hearing this, Taro let out a roaring laugh. "Don't worry. Like I said, we just wanted to see Shank's old friend. Besides that, we were attacked by marines on the way. Our ship took a little bit of damage, so we'll be here a while to get it fixed."

The bartender picked up another glass, nodding at Taro. "I see. You may be here a while then. The shipwrights here are good, but they work slow. They are a little older than those younger ones you guys have on your crew."

Taro nodded in understanding, "That's fine. Hey, can I get some sake?"

"Oi! Add some meat to that order!" A female sitting beside Taro ordered, her voice loud and demanding.

Her long black hair was allowed to flow down her back. She wore a black bra and a large red coat that hung loosely, but allowed full view of her breasts. As well as the guns that rested on her waist.

Taro looked at her, a smirk on his face. "Kimiko, if you don't watch it, you'll get fat from all the food you eat."

The female blinked, looking down at her flat stomach. She shrugged, "it all goes to my breast anyway." Then she shoved a finger in Taro's exposed chest. "Besides, who are you to talk? With all the sake you drink, you'll be completely useless!"

"So, sake and meat." The bartender muttered.

"Oh, and lots of sweets!" A petit female added. Her blonde hair was cut short, only making her seem more childish. Though the bartender knew better than to underestimate someone that was in Taro's pirate crew. There was a reason his crew only had seven people, and has lasted as long as it has.

"Fine, fine. Sake, meat, and sweets." He sighed.

"Thanks," She grinned. "Oh, what was your name?"

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