Chapter 115: Anything for a Guest

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I do not own One Piece


The two females hadn't found anything out of the ordinary other than their first inspection. This part of the kingdom was rich, and filled with nobles, but this particular part ran like it needed to. They were beginning to wonder if they would have better luck investigating one of the lower regions.

"Robin," Nami held up a book from the bookstore they had entered. "This is all about the royal family, it might come in handy."

The older woman looked at it before placing it back. "It won't be completely accurate. All it will do it make them seem good."

"Maybe they are?" Nami offered, hopeful.

Robin looked at Nami, "There is a chance they could be, but I believe those chances are slim. They blackmailed Katsu. Half of the kingdom is running with zero to little guards for the citizens protection, children are missing in the lower regions, and the only region seeming to work well is this one. At the very least, they don't care for the kingdom like they should. Something is wrong and we should find out what."

Nodding silently, followed after Robin as she left the shop. Their attention quickly went to a excited passing couple.

"We were invited for the coming of age ceremony!" The man boasted to his wife. " Most of the people in this kingdom don't even know they've found the lost princess, let alone that next week there is such an important event. We have to get better clothing for this."

His wife nodded in agreement. "Of course! I still remember Princess Ayami's coming of age ceremony. We sat too close and got blood on us. It's the only instance I'm not mad about blood staining such beautiful clothing." She giggled.

Robin looked at Nami, clearly wanting to know more. Nami, meanwhile, was both confused and disgusted. Never-the-less, Nami knew they needed to find more information. Especially since they were both certain that it was liked with Katsu.

"We can't ask them." Robin muttered, her eyes scanning through the street. She stopped when she saw a high class wine bar come into sight. "Let's go here, come one Nami."


Luffy had made up his mind. With his stomach full, nothing was stopping the Captain from sprinting through the districts as he made his way to the palace.

"It's good that they're nice!" He grinned, "Eh, I bet they'll even throw a feast later!"

Luffy patted his waist to double check that he had brought Katsu's fans. He would have brought her sketchbooks, but Zoro held onto those and refused to let him take them. When he sees Katsu he was sure to give her back her  fans. She had forgotten to bring them with her, and her sketchbooks!

Which was weird, she never forgets her sketchbooks.

The Captain's grin dropped into a frown. "Ne, she missed a whole month of drawing us."

With another nod and a grin forming back on his face, Luffy made sure to keep running. They were in a hurry to get to the flamingo. He hasn't been strict enough about keeping Katsu near him to draw everything. From now on he'll make sure one arm is connected to her like a rope! 

That way when he does something cool she'll be sure to draw all of his adventures! It'll be the perfect documentary for the Pirate King.

Looking up at his hat, Luffy plucked it off of his head and pulled out a piece of paper. It was the same paper that lead  them here. Something he kept forgetting to give to Katsu.

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