Saturday night Pt. 2

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authors note: please do ask me for any ideas you have all ideas welcome ;)

The next morning Alex arrived home to find June and Nora asleep on the sofa and Henry with his face over the toilet bowl. Alex could only imagine the night they had.

"Baby" Alex whispers in Henrys ear rubbing his back in slow circles 

"Alex"  Henry croaks desperately turns to see if Alex was actually truly there or if last nights cocktails had truly made him see things that weren't there. Henry's hand immediately cupped his face and Alex's hand covered it.

"your home" 

"i missed you"

There they both sat slouched on the bathroom floor as it turns out Henry had not in fact finished throwing up just yet. 

"So i may have made a few bad judgements" Henry winced at the sight of the mess he had made. 

"Ya think" Alex chuckled to himself. 

"It's ok babe I'll clean it up , don't worry about it besides how many times have you looked after me when I've been hungover" Alex continued to rub henrys back in small soothing circles. 

"I'm not hungover" Henry shot a look to Alex who very obviously didn't believe him. 

"Okay sure sweetheart" Alex's fingers grazed the side of Henry's jaw which made Henry positively melt inside at just Alex's touch.

"I'm really not i promise you" 

"He most defiantly is" came a shout from the living room. 

"Well I wonder who's fault that is" Henry shouted back immediately regretting that decision and holding his head in his hands.

"Don't blame us sunshine" shouted Nora  

"come on lets get you to bed" Alex said in any attempt to help his (very) hungover boyfriend. Henry groaned in protest. 

"I'm fine it's fine" 

"quit whining" 

And that's how at least 30 minuets of bickering later Alex found himself literally flinging Henry over his shoulder and carrying him upstairs' to their room.

"Alex! put me down Alex! Alex! this is so stupid" Henry squirmed like a child a smirk forming on that gorgeous face of his.

"Henry I beg of you stop" Alex couldn't contain his laughter along with distant giggles from a certain two girls. He stopped mid staircase cleared his throat and with a blunt tone and his deep sexy voice that he knew Henry couldn't resist he said "Stop being difficult or i will do pursue any activity that you asked me to do in those voicemails of yours" 

That shut Henry up.

In all fairness Henry had no clue what he had said in those voicemails let alone that he had sent any, but he a pretty good idea of the way Alex made him feel and what he wanted Alex to do to him on a daily basis so he decided against arguing with him and let him to take him up the rest of the stairs. 

"Good night Mr Cranky so glad your defiantly not hungover"  Nora and June had had a blast teasing Henry and a wonderful time drinking cocktails all night another member added to their silly little family. It was also a bonus that Henry made Alex as happy as he did.

"Oh fuck off you two! I blame you, we'll have words in the morning i-" He tried to shout but was to tired to bother all he wanted was to collapse in to Alex's arms and stay there forever.

Alex pushed the door open and flopped Henry on the bed. 

Henry bit his lip as Alex took his shoes of carefully throwing them to the corner of the room.

"I love you" Henry craned his neck to look at Alex at his feet. 

"I know I love you too" Alex crawled into bed and Henry's head rested on his chest his arms wrapping around his waist and within a matter of seconds the sweet comforting sounds of Henry's delicate snores came sending Alex straight to sleep knowing that he was home.

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