Pt. 1 Henry & Martha

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Hiya guys just wanted to let you know I'm still doing requests with credits so if you have any ideas then feel free to ask for them I'll be more them happy to write them. Sorry it's been so long.

This is my own idea it with be two parts -    Henry & Martha     and      Alex & Phillip

I'm actually really proud of this work so please let me know what you think, its a little bit of a Phillip redemption arc but more of bonding between Henry and Martha.

enjoy :)

"Hey babe, Phillip is coming over tomorrow" Henry says very casually whist making breakfast on the kitchen island. This is how they usually find themselves spending their mornings in their brownstone. Alex is mid bite through his toast when he hears this and almost spits it out in shock.

"Phillip?" Alex huffs out a laugh. "your brother, 'duty always comes first' that one"

"and Martha yes" Henry refills Alex's Claremont 2020 mug with hot coffee answering swiftly.

"Why is that then?" Alex questions raising his eyebrows in disbelief.

"because he's making an effort and I'm trying to respect that" Henry says with a shaky voice, sticking his chin out in the way Alex loves.

"Does that mean I have to?" Alex asks.

"Please just try for me" Henry asks innocently, with his cute eyebrows furrowing, ocean eyes staring up at him.

"Fine if you want me to" Alex replies as much as he may protest he'll do anything for Henry and he can see Henry's shoulders relax slightly.

 "What do i get as a reward?" And Henry chuckles softly, Alex's cheeky self calms his nerves.

"Mmm, I'll have to think about that, depends if you behave or not " Henry holds his boyfriends chin with his hand and lays a kiss to his cheek and Alex practical melts into it.

Sooner than Alex would like the next day rolls around and there's a knock on the door. Alex has been watching Henry all day as he frantically paced up and down the house in anticipation for whatever was going to occur this evening. For Henry's sake he hoped it would go okay. Alex now watched as Henry's eyes widened at the realization that this was actually happening, he stood up slightly wobbly and Alex reached out a hand to steady him. Henry relaxed as he interlocked their hands together and made their way to the front door. Henry took a breath before he swung to door open. Alex knew Phillip was coming but, seeing him here, in the flesh, in their home, it didn't quite seem real. Henry offered a nervous but gentle smile and let them inside. Being the gentleman he is he gave Martha a kiss on the cheek.

"It's lovely to see you Henry, you too Alex" Martha gave a genuine smile and gave Alex a brief hug.

Phillip stepped inside glanced around. He offered a hand to Henry he took it looking quite skeptical and shook it politely.

"Alex" Phillip said bluntly.

"Phillip" Alex mimicked in response.

"What a lovely home you too have" Martha said to fill the awkwardness, and Henry couldn't be more grateful.

"Mm quite" Phillip said and Alex gave him a dirty look from behind so he couldn't see, so in return was given a glare from Henry which was frankly frightening. So Alex puts on fake face and if he has to pretend with Phillip then he will for Henry. Like the good boyfriend he is he wraps an arm around Henry's waist and says,

"Would you like a tour, we'd be happy to give you one" Alex winks and feels Henry grip around his waist tighten slightly as a thank you.

"That would be wonderful, lead the way" Martha says and Alex ushers them to the next room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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