Alex's birthday Pt.2

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Sorry it took so long the ideas just kept coming 😂 It's rather a long one. I wouldn't of been able to do it without the wonderful suggestions by @monn__1311  who requested a jealous Alex... ;) and thank you very much to @soulJimin8  for the suggestion about Alex feeling insecure about his ADHD :) . As I said in the comments please do correct me by no means I do understand what it is like, I have done some research but please tell me I have made any mistakes. Criticism is always welcomed. With all that said I think it is truly wonderful that this representation is being made and I hope you enjoy, once again thanks for all the support, love ya ;)

After being told by Henry to dress smart,  Alex was being pulled down the stairs of the brownstone. 

"Babe we're going to be late" Henry huffed out.

"Okay Henry " Alex said with that sarcastic over pronunciation of the 'H' Alex always does before calling Henry out on some stupid debate or other. Though Alex hoped it would annoy him, Henry thought it was rather cute the way Alex tried to wind him up. 

"Your  the one that got into the shower with me. So, technically your  the reason we'd be late, not me. If you had wanted to stay on track, showering with me was not the greatest idea." Alex said grinning with a cocky expression on his face, linking his arm with Henry's. 

"I don't remember you complaining" Henry said turning his face so his eyes would meet Alex's.

"Oh trust me I wasn't" Alex's deep, seductive tone made Henry's legs turn to jelly,  lucky his arm was linked with Alex's otherwise Henry would quite literally be on the floor.

"Maybe I got a bit carried away, it is your birthday of course" Henry winked.

"mm yeah just a tad" 

"Oh shut up you loved it" Henry gently elbowed Alex in the rib.

"mm, yeah i did" Alex pecked Henry on the cheek and watched as he smiled in return. Henry opened the door to the car like the gentleman he is.

"Why thank you"  Alex said mocking Henry's accent and Henry pushed Alex's head into the car making him roll his eyes in response.

"Were are we going" Alex said eagerly like a child.

"All in good time my love" Henry reached out and gently grazed Alex's jaw.

"I hate you" Alex replied making Henry smile and shake his head. 

When they finally arrived at their destination Henry pulled up to a rather large, rather posh movie theater. It had turned out that Henry had bought him to see a private screening of Star Wars "Empire strikes back" much to Henry's dismay. Henry had bought out all of the seats so it would be just them.

"Wait really" Alex said and Henry nodded back.

"just us" a smile forming on his face.

"yes I-" Henry tried to finish but was silenced by an engulfing hug from Alex flinging his arms around his neck pulling him in for a deep kiss.

"Thank you H" Alex said shyly slinging his arm around Henry's waist as they enter through the glass doors. The entrance, from the marble floors, to the chandelier hanging from the ceiling, was pristine. They were escorted to their screen and Alex could not believe that they had it all to themselves as he stared amazed at all of the empty seats.

"Which one should we pick" Alex whispered to Henry's ear. 

"Your choice sweetheart" Henry smiled. 

When Alex finally  finished debating which seat to sit in, him and Henry sat down and awaited the adverts. While waiting, Alex had taken it upon him self to fling pieces' of popcorn at Henry's head causing him to fall into a fit of giggles, slouching down in his seat at Henry's reaction.

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