Alex's birthday Pt.1

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Thank you very much to  @ monn__1311                

for the amazing idea. I hope i did it justice xx

 Of course if anyone has any more suggestions I'm more than happy to attempt to recreate them. This is my longest part yet so I hope you enjoy. :)  :)  :)

Alex's birthday is today, and he and Henry are lying wrapped up in the sheets in their bed, in their house. Henry of course is wide awake, laying on his side admiring Alex who is currently sleeping on this front,  head fast asleep on the pillow with his bare back facing the ceiling. Henry reaches his hand out caressing Alex's curls slowly and delicately so as not to wake him. He loves having him here like this,  being able to touch him and hold him in his arms. It seems so strange even now after years of having all of him and this life they had made together. This is perhaps the most comfortable Henry has ever felt. He stays there for a shocking amount of time until he decides its probably time he should wake him, it is his birthday of course.

Henry decides to wake him with a kiss to the cheek and when that doesn't work he makes his way to Alex's ear leaving a trail of kisses on the way.

"Alex love, its time to get up" Henry whispers and in response Alex softly moans into the pillow.

"Baby it's your birthday"

"Mmm" Alex groans. 

"Wake up Alex" Henry says moving his face down the crook of Alex's neck. He lightly kisses that one place on his neck he knows will get him.

Before he knows it Alex is giggling away squirming at the touch of Henry's lips. Henry keeps kissing him there until Alex pushes him away in a fit of laughter.

"Okay, okay I'm up, I'm up" Alex says as he sits up against the head board affectively pulling Henry up with him. Henry is practically sitting between Alex's legs and Alex wraps his arms around Henry underneath his arms and rests his chin on the top of his head.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart" Henry says tilting his head back on Alex's shoulder Alex's eyes lock with Henry's and are met with a wanting kiss long and lustful, Alex relishes in the sheer taste of Henry on his tongue.

"Thanks babe" Alex scrunches his nose smiling. They stay there in each others arms for as along as they can before they have to get up.

"Now I have many plans today,  but I thought I'd start with coffee " Henry says climbing out of bed bending over to pick up their clothes of the floor from last nights festivities.

"sounds good" Alex says with smile.

"and stop staring at my arse" Henry said pulling on the sweatpants from the floor.

"Couldn't help it if i tried" Alex said with a wink.

When Henry finally makes it back upstairs a coffee and presumably a tea in one hand (held very skillfully) and a wrapped gift in the other Alex takes the coffee from Henry's hand and his eyes dart to the gift in his other hand.

"Is this for me " Alex says a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"No Alex, its for me" Henry says flatly.

"Okay Henry I don't appreciate the sarcasm there" Alex shakes his head slowly as Henry passes him the gift.

"by the way its not from me it's from June she had me pick it up from the white house and insisted it be the first one that you opened"

"I think she feels guilty that she isn't here" Henry says placing a hand on Alex's thigh.

"I know she's been non stop texting me for the last three hours" Alex checks his phone to see several more unread messages from June. I'll read them later he thinks. 

June was away doing press for her new book and would not be able to make it back to America in time for Alex's birthday. Though Alex would miss her he didn't mind getting to spend the day with just Henry instead.

"Okay open it" Henry says climbing on the bed watching enthusiastically. 

Alex opens the card.

'Dear Alex,

Happy Birthday baby bro, I'm so sorry I can't be there

today,  just know that I'm so proud of who you've

become and can't wait to see you soon.

all my love, Bug.

Ps: I thought it time Henry finally found out how absolutely

obsessed you were, even from the start.'

Alex carefully pulls apart the wrapping.

Alex's eyes light up the second his eyes land on the shinny, falling apart issue of J-14. The magazine practically falls open to the page Alex is all too familiar with. His fingers lightly graze the edge of the image of a beautiful,  young henry. He cant believe June has kept it all these years. He almost wants to cry imagining who he was versus who he is now and he thinks a young, naive Alex living a life without Henry Fox and Alex could not imagine that now.

"What is it" Henry says peering over the page attempting to see what Alex was looking at with confused eyes. Alex immediately pulls the magazine to his chest.

"What" henry says tilting his head like a confused puppy.

"its umm..." Alex says shyly as he becomes slightly flustered.

"It's well, a copy of an old J-14 edition June had that I used to look at, featuring you"

"Me. you used to look at pictures of me?" Henry says smiling through his teeth.

"Yes I might have" 

Henry picks up the card from June and reads it a smirk forming on his face at the final line.

"You were obsessed with me, were you." Henry says pushing Alex against the headboard then Stradling him and pointing a finger at him laughing as he did so.

"I was not" Alex says rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Really sweetheart" henry kisses down his neck.

"Okay maybe a little" 

Henry laughs to himself at his response.

"I knew it"

Alex shoves him.

"Oh come on your majesty like you weren't obsessed with me. You know Pez and Bea told me ..." Alex's words are muffled as Henry puts a hand over Alex's mouth affectively shutting him up.

"I know how obsessed I was Alex, I remember. At least I'm honest" Henry says inching closer to Alex's face.

Alex licks his hand 

"Eww Alex " Henry says pulling his hand away. 

"Okay listen,  maybe I was a little obsessed. I loved that picture of you and I felt some sort of attachment to it. I know it doesn't make sense. Then I guess I basically disguised a little crush I had on you - which in my defence I was completely oblivious to,  to actually hating you. Misreading all the emotions I had towards you. But I can tell you now,  as a fact,  I am completely and utterly smitten by you. The way I don't go a minute without thinking of you every second your in my head. So yes Henry,  I have and will be always obsessed with you."

"It's actually really sweet" Henry says causing Alex to blush. Henry gently strokes Alex's jaw with his thumb. Alex doesn't understand how each time Henry touches him it feels like the first time surely Henry's touch would not give him the butterflies it did the first time but here we are. 

"Should I tell you that you consume all my thoughts and make me ache when I cant feel your touch, do you know how much I love you I sometimes I feel like I can't breath without you, that for every second of every day I dream of you, that it's impossible to think of anything that doesn't remind me of you, that I love you with every single ounce of my being."

"Wow it must be hard to get work done" Alex says looking straight into Henry's eyes. Who is still very much on top of him. 

"Tell me about it" 

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