Finding what's lost

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Set in episode 43, Kiraz is lost on her birthday

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Set in episode 43, Kiraz is lost on her birthday. Serkan has just watched the USB file Eda left for him when she calls him to inform him that she is missing. Serkan comes to the hotel to a panicked Eda and goes to look for Kiraz, AU from there.


Eda paced anxiously feeling like the air was closing in on her. She shuddered her throat constricting.

"Eda, don't worry, we'll find her." Burak touched her arm again and Eda wanted to snap, everyone was suffocating her, she just wanted her baby, her precious daughter.

"I'll lose my mind, where can she go, she knows it's her birthday ?!" Eda panicked, hands on her face, she couldn't breath, she couldn't breath knowing Kiraz wasn't safe, thinking she could be in danger.

Hayir, she couldn't even allow herself to think something had happened to her.

"Serkan's there!" Aydan Hanim pointed and Eda looked over to have her heart crushed.

For some reason, she hoped so bad that Serkan would find her, seeing him come back empty handed panicked her even more.

"Serkan!! Where is my grandchild, did you find her ?" Aydan crowded him and Serkan wanted to scream from how much anguish he felt, his eyes briefly locked with Eda's panicked ones and the fear in his gut deepened.

He hadn't even held her properly in his arms, he couldn't just lose his daughter like that.

"Hayir Anne, I looked everywhere I could, the gendarmes team is grilling the zone, there will be a missing child broadcast in emergency, but we couldn't find her." Serkan said voice laced with fear looking at Eda as she held her head and her shoulders shook in panic.

"That's where you led us, you've always been an irresponsible person, first hiding a whole child from us, then raising her like you do, mannerless and constantly playing in mud and now you've lost her. You're unfit to be a parent!" Aydan Hanim snapped at Eda who shook with anguish.

Serkan looked at her form and his heart constricted recalling the contents of the little book he saw this morning and the videos. She wasn't, she was such a loving and good mother it scared him because he could see how much Kiraz meant to her on the videos. Eda's pain must be unmatched.

"Anne!" He warned.

"She's unfit to be a parent ? Are you kidding me Aydan Bolat! Your son would have told her to abort that babygirl, my niece suffered endlessly leaving him and going through a pregnancy alone, unmarried, undergraduate and then handling a newborn and her studies at the same time. The unconditional love Eda has given that little girl, as well as me and Melo brought her up. You can't even cook an omelett for yourself!" Ayfer pointed at Aydan coming at Eda's defense.

"And this is your son's fault too, never ever in 5 years did Kiraz disapear like that, you wrecked a havoc in our lives yet again, Eda's anxious all the time she doesn’t even sleep !" Ayfer snapped and Melo held her back.

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