World Crash

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This is putting down an idea I have had since a while, and that I have prompted to lisa_dec. You have probably read hers and I loved it too so shelved my own.

But last week's earthquake in Morrocco brought the theme back forwards, so I thought to write it down anyway. It is in no way a copy or a rewrite of hers.

I've been watching documentaries on Morrocco and researching the risks for Istanbul and state of the real estate. All the informations in the following read are true.

Angst ahead ofcourse, my favourite genre. Let me know what you think !


Serkan closed his computer, grabbing some files from the café table he was working at and rising. He was walking to his car and pressed it unlocked when it happened.

Birds flew and a terrifying sound could be heard, he heard the tables and chairs from the terrass he was just sitting at shake and fall and realised. An earthquake. He bent on his knees, diving in the shadow of his car as people around him screamed, panicked and ran.

He gripped the car's door handle tighter as a light pillar fell not too far from him. A building along the street collapsed in a heap, the screams intensifying and Serkan's heart clenched in horror. Eda. Kiraz. Alp.

Eda was... god he didn't even knew where ? Some construction site she had went to, he didn't remember the exact adress. His heart constricted, he wished he wasn't an architect at that moment because he did know the level of advancement of that project, only the interior structure was done and the temporary pillars waiting for porting walls wouldn't be resistant enough, if Eda was inside that and didn't manage to get out... there was high chances she was under debris right now.

Kiraz and Alp were at daycare, they did a lot of exterior activities but it was nap time, he prayed his children were okay.

He rose with panic hands trembling as he reached into his pocket grabbing his phone and dialled Eda's number. He frowned, the call didn't even ring, he looked up, and when the pillar had fallen, it had taken electricity wires with it. If the ground shook, there was high chances even fibre and satellite cables were out of use.

Serkan jumped into his car and started it but he only drove a few meters. A collapsed building was blocking the road, debris were everywhere and distraught and panicked crowds filling the place, he couldn't get his car out of here, he had no GPS signal and he couldn't even remember the adress Eda was at.

He got out of the car, running through a narrow alley, it was about 1h of walk, but he needed to go to daycare to check on their children, they had to be okay, his family had to be okay.


Eda blinked, it was all dark. She tried to move but coughed and struggled, she realised in horror, something was on her middle, she could feel her feet and move them, but she could barely move her waist, something was on her hips, Eda tried to free an arm and managed to get it out, she gasped in horror when she hit something above her while manœuvring it out.

She tentatively tried to push up, but a huge concrete wall was above her, barely centimeters from her face and some concrete was directly on her middle, she was trapped, badly.

Her breathing accelerated in panic at the narrow space, she couldn't breath, it was too narrow, dark, her claustrophobia made her lungs ache, she shut her eyes and tried to take slower and deeper breaths but there was only so much space for her to breath in the first place, she felt the air close in on her and flashes of herself as a child, stuck in that cupboard filled her eyes. She froze, her young self reminding her of someone, Kiraz ! Her daughter.

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