Come Back

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Just a little one shot on the plane crash with a twist, no Selin, no Deniz, no hurting Eda more than she had already been hurt.


Eda woke with a start. She had a terrible nightmare. Serkan was back, but he had lost his memory. He came back stepping hand in hand with Selin. He said to her face that she was a stranger to him. He wasn't holding her with love, looking at her with love, crushing her to him like she expected he would at seeing her again. He was calling her "Eda Hanim". He called Selin the love of his life. Eda cried and begged for another chance but he just stood there, like a cold wall. He hadn't even hugged her back.

Eda swallowed, closing her eyes. Her mind was reeling. She slept but she could never mentally catch rest or find peace. The tension in her shoulders and pain in her heart would never leave.

It had been two months and six days since his plane crashed, Eda was losing patience. How longer could she go on without collapsing ? She didn't knew.

She pulled out a dark outfit, she didn't feel like wearing colours much since she lost him on that fateful day. If it wasn't for Fifi's pushing and using her skills and contacts to try and find him, Eda would probably have died. She stopped eating, drinking even water, she wouldn't sleep. The life was just taken away from her. Fifi rougly pulled her by straps. She gave her the drive to live, that drive was hope to find him.

Eda didn't knew how much more she could last thought, her hope was dying too, slowly. They'd just looked everywhere possible. She was getting desperate day by day.

She parked infront of Art Life and walked in to face one more day of work where she would try so hard to manage the company and stop it from sinking like her heart and hope were. She looked at the shiny award on the desk and put it away, hiding it between books. Even that hurt, seeing her name on something Serkan had started. She didn't want it, she wanted the love of her life back.


A while after she started working, she heard commotion outside and rose from her desk, she froze, the air left her lungs as her eyes fell on him. Serkan.

Eda made a few steps towards him and Serkan turned his attention towards her, his strides met hers and she stopped as they closed the distance, her hand went to touch his face "Serkan ?" She let out in disbelief and felt the world turn black

Serkan caught her, as he sunk to his knees and Melo, Ceren, Engin and Pyril crowded around.

"Leyla bring some water!" Melo called out.


Eda blinked, she was in a chair, in the conferance room, and Serkan was sitting across her, watching her.

She rose up with a start. "Serkan ?" She cried out and threw herself in his arms, scared he might disapear. She burried her face in his neck, inhaling his familiar and beloved scent and holding onto him so tightly.

He held her back just as tightly and Eda allowed herself to cry at his touch, he gently stroked her back, she had missed him so much.

She backed and held his face, her thumbs stroking his cheeks, Serkan held her hands, his own eyes full of tears.

"You're alive, you're alive and you're here, I knew it.." Eda stroked his shoulders.

"I knew you were alive." She smiled with tears and Serkan held her cheek.

"I missed you so much." Eda cried on a breaking voice, bending over forwards and inhaling his scent again.

She felt him pull her body to him, hugging her tightly. "I missed you too Eda..." He backed after a few seconds, framing her face. "I'm so sorry, I am sorry aşkım I should have never left you." He regretted.

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