Mountain Lodge

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I had a suggestion about rewriting Alp's Birth scene in a more serious (read angsty) way, rather than comedy. Along with that, I wanted to fix quite a bit of the EdSer domesticity in season 2, make Serkan more supportive and present, and Eda less childish. So here's an OS about it !

warnings : mature, mentions of sex and graphic depiction of childbirth.


Serkan walked into their room, having moved their bed already, they slept on their old matress for a couple of days, untill they could move in to their new home.

He saw Eda sitting back against the wall and eyes shut and bent to put the steaming hot cup next to her.

"Here aşkım, I made your tea." He gently said, a hand on her thigh before he moved to his side.

Eda grunted, sitting up holding her baby bump and stared at the cup. "I don’t know if I want to drink it." She whined.

"Neden ?" Serkan asked.

"Because I'll need to pee and I just don't want to wake up. I already can't sleep much in the night." Eda sighed.

"Wake me up, I'll help you." Serkan offered obviously and Eda stared at him in annoyance. Her mobility was getting harder on her own towards the end of this pregnancy and she hated it, having to ask Serkan to help her rise or even tie her shoelaces sometimes.

"Kiraz's asleep ?" She changed the subject, taking a breath, how could even sitting up lead her to be breathless ?

"Evet, she finished her book and she is sleeping. Why don't you put your back here." Serkan put pillows behind her back, wanting her to rest it.

"My back hurts so much, this is awful." Eda whimpered.

"I told you the matress was a bad idea, we could have gotten a hotel room for a few days." Serkan argued.

Eda sighed and shut her eyes, on top of the late pregnancy inconfort, they were moving houses, her stuff was all over the place, she didn't feel home neither in one place, nor the other, and Serkan wanted to involve a third. "Yok, I hate hotels." She snapped.

Serkan frowned, chuckling. "That’s new." He remarked.

"I hate everything right now, tamam ? The baby keeps pressing against my bladder to the point I can't drink a glass of water without being in disconfort, he keeps kicking my ribs and he is so big and heavy..." Eda exhaled, her petite frame was exhausted.

"Gel." Serkan put a hand on her lower back, massaging slowly and she groaned. "Keep doing that." She exhaled.

"It'll be over soon, you're due in one week." Serkan promised, kissing the back of her head, stroking her lose hair with his other hand.

"Kiraz wasn't so heavy, I wasn't this big, look at how big I am, I'll explode." Eda complained, shutting her eyes.

Serkan chuckled, massaging her tense shoulders too. "Why don’t you relax, calm down.." He soothed.

"I can't relax with him kicking me so much and doing somersaults constantly, what does he think ? My womb's a trampoline ?" Eda sighed and Serkan tried not to laugh at her fatigue expressing ramble. She was unintentionally adorable.

"Kiraz was so much calmer, my peaceful sweet kizim, she never kicked me this bad." Eda compared, then frowned. "Ama, she was only calm inside, from the moment she was born, god could she cry Serkan. All night long, would you believe me once she caught my shirt in her fist so tight that she broke a button ? She was like one month!" Serkan couldn't help laugh now.

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